Ben Dover's Viz Debut
Ben Dover's Viz Debut
I have scanned and attatched the cartoon form Viz to Alec, hoping he will post it. It is shit, and wasn't funny at all. Seems they used his name hoping to get a laugh and failed miserably.
Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
That's a shame. Viz has gone right downhill over the last few years though. I'd have thought Ben would have made good comedy material too......
Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
Viz deteriated rapidly after issue 57. The old school of cartoonists left and Viz went to a plc. It is a pretty sad rag now and although I have every episode from #15 in 1983, I acknowledge it is a crap read now. LOTS of readers gave up on it after Viz used phone-sex lines for adverts for extra revenue. I keep buying it as I have them all from 1983, and it would be a pity to stop now.......even if its not funny anymore.
Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
A man of principle and you never know, a complete collection may be worth a fair sum one day. Can just see you presenting it to Hugh Scully in about 10 years Ace 

Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
Scully wouldn't know what the fuck Viz was, whereas David Dickenson would!!
Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
I don't think it was ever funny. It was and is an atrocious comic - the lowest form of comic art IMHO.
Re: Ben Dover's Viz Debut
Well I beg to differ with the anti Viz opinions!
I've not actually noticed the BD cartoon, but I still think they can be very funny at times myself.
I've not actually noticed the BD cartoon, but I still think they can be very funny at times myself.