Layla - Demise of the wig....
Layla - Demise of the wig....
To follow up that great pic with Mike South here's the lady herself with ruminations on things follicle - oh and there are some pics too if you're interested in seeing them 

Re: Layla - Demise of the wig....
It ain't a wig, I beleive it to be extensions woven into her real hair and the extensions feel just like her real hair( A Magoo moment there)
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig....
I wonder if Marcus or myself could do with the discarded wig. It Might make me look like Autumn's boyfriend. Now......... THERE'S a thought!! 

Re: Layla - Demise of the wig.... Birth of a skinh
Sorry... but thats really old news now.
I mean... well, it was at least 2 days ago !
Actually, only this morning,
I have just had it all cut off !
What do yah think ?
Luv Lay
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig.... Birth of a skinh
it highlights your marvellous bone structure, sweetie! 

Re: Layla - Demise of the wig.... Birth of a skinh
Anyone checked out Layla in >? Is an entry in the Guinness Book of Records overdue??? !You are some busy girl layla, I hope you are collecting air miles!
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig.... Birth of a skinh
As my chum (sometimes) Marcus would say! you look fantastic, period.
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig....
Ace - absolutely brilliant - sir you are a comic genius!!!
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig.... Birth of a skinh
Well I can't keep up with all of this - its all becoming just a blur!
So now that's five different Layla looks I have to figure out which I like best - time for a few weeks intensive research....
So now that's five different Layla looks I have to figure out which I like best - time for a few weeks intensive research....
Re: Layla - Demise of the wig....
ijust love those white boots it takes me back to the 60s!