This subject matter is of interest to all of us who use the internet and I'm getting alot of it presently.
Is there an easy way of not being on the receiving end of it?
I've just gone through the all the messages I've received since the beginning of the month and I can say about 250 were spam, anmd I've logged the address where most were sent to and I'm going to delete that address and mailbox. Two messages I've received were to the address that I use uniquely here and contained a virus, but it didn't unleash itself, so whoever passed my address on, Thanks.
Any suggestion will be listened to.
Re: Spam
Unfortunately some worms and virii pick e-mail addresses from webpages visited by an infected host pc. The best defence is good AV protection and a good killfile / filters.
The from address is usually faked, but usually the source IP address can be found in the full headers and then traced using a tool such as SamSpade. I then file an abuse report to the source ISP so that further transmission can be stopped.
The from address is usually faked, but usually the source IP address can be found in the full headers and then traced using a tool such as SamSpade. I then file an abuse report to the source ISP so that further transmission can be stopped.
Re: Spam
There are quite a few freeware utilities that fight spam. Go to (CNet) & do a search.Note that at the bottom you can filter results by OS, license (free or not), & size of the program.
I have Webwasher installed but haven't used it yet, so can't report on its efficacy.
I have Webwasher installed but haven't used it yet, so can't report on its efficacy.