Legality of importing videos from Unites States

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Legality of importing videos from Unites States

Post by Starsky »

I'm sorry if this has been asked before as I don't really frequent this forum but can anyone tell me the situation importing videos from America. As far fetched and incredulous as this seems, someone has ordered a video to be sent to my house without my knowledge and I am now very worried about the customs or someone else asking questions about this.Is there any way in which I can stop this even if the order has already been shipped? Incidentally the company in question is called Excalibur and I have already used the search facility without success. Thanks in advance if anyone can dispell my fears.
joe king

Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites State

Post by joe king »

you should be worried - potentially the draconian C+E can raid your home on the slightest whim ("hey that's a naked child", that's indecent, let's send the boys round)

but if the porn if vanilla R18 I doubt they would be able to convict...

o/t Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites S

Post by buttsie »

As long as the porn doesn't involve kids,animals or extreme acts like pissing or pooing on each other you shouldn't get a knock on the door like some on this forum have

As Joe so rightly pointed out anything is possible but in my opinion not likely


Re: o/t Re: Legality of importing videos from Unit

Post by Andy »

Pissing vids can get you into trouble? Seriously?

Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites State

Post by alec »

In all probabilty you can ignore the scare stories (as told in this instance by Joe King) as you are very unlikely to be able to buy porn from the USA that would breach the R18 guidelines, and even more unlikely from Excalibur. If the video does not breach these guidelines, customs should let it through even if they open the package, which may be merely to check on whether you should pay customs duties - unlikely for a single video. So the main thing to check on, for your peace of mind, is the nature of the video. What was the title?

Re: o/t Re: Legality of importing videos from Unit

Post by magoo »

Customs have bigger fish to fry these days. I've had stuff opened and let through even with pissing in it. Pissing is OK as long as its not onto another person and even then the worst that will happen is that HM C&E will write telling you its been seized as happened to a contributor to this very thread (not me) with a fisting DVD he ordered.

Even though pissing never appears in mainstream US porn it seems that it is legal over there as most US sites sell series such as All Pissed Off and theres even a label called Wetworks which specialises in pissy films. I suspect the yanks have the same rule as r18 in Britain ie no pissing on each other only onto inanimate objects such as floors, patios and toilets. Perhaps this only applies to California as other States are really down even on vanilla porn. Wheres Mike Johnson when you need him?

Re: o/t Re: Legality of importing videos from Unit

Post by buttsie »

Out back...having a pee probably!!!


Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites State

Post by Starsky »

The title was Black Orchid. I only know as Excalibur have informed me of this.The story has now taken a more worrying turn as the person I thought would had ordered it swears blind he didn't, and Excalibur are claiming it was actually requested over the net on a date in August last year when I know I wasn't at home. I fear I'm now looking at internet fraud and it's noticeable that Excalibur now seem far less inclined to clarify exactly what's going on.Nevertheless, many thanks to everyone who took the time to answer.

Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites State

Post by alec »

If it's fraud, then the video is unlikely to plop on your doormat.

It would be unlikely to bother customs anyway.

Re: Legality of importing videos from Unites State

Post by magoo »

Excalibur are always reluctant to reply or to be more than curt in emails so dont worry.

Use some common sense. If you believe that your CC details have fallen into the wrong hands then contact your CC company and get the a/c stopped and a new card issued.

Your story smells fishy to me. If you were the victim of fraud why would the offender want the goods shipped to your address? Surely he/she has nothing to gain from doing that? Your taking the piss mate and I've just rumbled you.

Answer that one if you can! Otherwise go away please.