Hi. this is I believe the website for Club International. Does anyone subscribe? If so are there any pics of Valencia and Hayley there that are not in this months Club International?
They are the two blondes draped over a car for Max Power mag and the Adult Channel that look so great in this months mag.
O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Yes, there is an extra section that has a whole lot of harder pictures of them, licking extra.
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Yes, it's true! All the magazines have an 'x' site (so, MensWorld X and Mayfair X in the case of the titles I edit). This is where we put the ruder piccies. In the case of my two mags, it's also where we put longer versions of the features and porn star interviews, since we have to cut a lot of material out just to fit them into the mags.
Log on to www.sexclub.co.uk for more details.
Log on to www.sexclub.co.uk for more details.
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Thanx Megaton. Have now subscribed but can you point me in the right direction to where about in the site are the pics?
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Dave Are those genuinely Jo's signed knickers you are giving away
announced in this months Men Only. Have you insured your postman against hernia damage ! And what happened to the satin pair she is wearing in the shoot ?!!!!
announced in this months Men Only. Have you insured your postman against hernia damage ! And what happened to the satin pair she is wearing in the shoot ?!!!!
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Thanx for that Dave and I am now a subscriber. On the front page it says there are 4 years archived on-line, but in MenOnly for example I cannot get back before issue 67/5
Can you point me in the right direction?
Can you point me in the right direction?
Re: O/T help re sexclub.co.uk
Men Only? MEN ONLY? How dare you, sir!
It's MensWorld.
And yes, they really are Jo's knickers. What amazes me is that we've had far more entries for that competition than the one where we've offered to send someone - all expenses paid - to the Moonlite Bunnyranch in Nevada, the most famous legal brothel in the USA.
Would British men really rather own a pair of Jo's kecks than bang themselves stupid with hookers and porn stars?
Apparently so.
It's MensWorld.
And yes, they really are Jo's knickers. What amazes me is that we've had far more entries for that competition than the one where we've offered to send someone - all expenses paid - to the Moonlite Bunnyranch in Nevada, the most famous legal brothel in the USA.
Would British men really rather own a pair of Jo's kecks than bang themselves stupid with hookers and porn stars?
Apparently so.
Re: reply to Dave Spencer-Jo's Knickers.
Dave, Visit to the Bunny Ranch-or Joe Guest's knickers- Chips or Daddy?Which will last longest? Isn't that what most men want?
Do you accept free-lance journalists submitting intervews with models and porn stars-or are you deluged with requests?
Can one enter Joe's Knickers more than once ? ( Sorry comp. more than once!)?
Do you accept free-lance journalists submitting intervews with models and porn stars-or are you deluged with requests?
Can one enter Joe's Knickers more than once ? ( Sorry comp. more than once!)?