UK Select

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

UK Select

Post by Wheeley »

Bought video 671 "When Rocco Met Kelly 2" it was delivered some 3 weeks later. But had a very bad fault on the tape at round 52 minutes, in fact it's as if the tape had just stopped recording, nothing at all to be seen or heard.

I wrote to ask for an address to send it back so that it may be replaced, up to date no one has bothered to get in touch, 4 weeks later.

Any one else having probs with this company? Or anyone had this tape from them with the same prob ?.

Re: UK Select

Post by alec »

Wrote to ask for a catalogue to their address and got a catalogue from an outfit called Target. Ordered a tape. They didn't bank the cheque or perhaps never received it. Have had one more catalogue since. Target's catalogues look very similar to those of Phoenix who seem to have become a rip-off company as well. I'd be suspicious of them.

Re: UK Select

Post by Wheeley »

Thanks Alec, have been dealing with UK Select for a couple of years, so if they have now been taken over, this may explain their indifference to sorting out my problem. " We have his cheque so bugger it, not our prob any more ".

As to Phoenix, never had any probs,as it is, or was run by Bob who owns ( or owned ) Angles, but the last tape I bought from them was a couple of months ago, an a lot an hange in acouple of months. " H6 Georgette Neale & Nick " but I bow to your experiance in these matters, thanks again.
fred the butch

Re: UK Select

Post by fred the butch »

i think its time you try another company to by a video what about your scene i find them pretty good, iv noticed theyve been getting a bit of @!#$ a lately but iv found them to be good iv always been impressed.

Re: UK Select/Your Scene

Post by liam »

Always found Your Scene reliable,and they do get the vids with the girls you want to see,i.e.the ones off page3,and the mags.

Re: UK Select/Your Scene

Post by Dave »

Agree with Liam & Fred, Your Scene seem to be a good source of supply for h/c videos featuring British birds. I ordered from them about 10 days ago and I must admit, in light of what has been suggested about them recently,I was a bit worried as to whether or not my tapes would arrive. I needn't have worried, they turned up today - and they're f***ing ace. It appears that Your Scene are still very much in business - shame about their web site but I suppose that was inevitable really seeing as they were hosted by Geo-Cities.
Claire Fan

Re: UK Select/Your Scene

Post by Claire Fan »

I agree. I sent an order on 23 November and received the first half today. I hope reports of their demise have been hugely exaggeratted.

Re: UK Select

Post by trigg »

Have ordered a total of three vids from UKS and had no trouble.
top shelf man

Re: UK Select/Your Scene

Post by top shelf man »

Got to admit,Your scene has always been the dogs bollox for me.Reliable service,great quality & great British birds.

Re: UK Select

Post by Wheeley »

Have used Your Scene, and also when they where DMC (took me for ?43.00)so I don't trust them with more than one tape at a time.As i said UK Select used to be great but at this moment in time, I wouldn't piss on them if they where on fire. Unless they had my replacement tape in their hand at the time, or my cheque.