Thank you to all of you for your king comments, help and advice. They are greatly appreciated. In all honesty I am at a loss of where to go from here.
I think I am going to try launching again next weekend, what the response will be I dont know.
If it does'nt work then I am going with someone else.
If I have to do that, then I have to do that. Part of me feels that I should have done it a long time ago, part of me feels that I should'nt even bother trying again this weekend with these people but It seems so close to being ok.
If it does'nt launch properly this weekend I'll got a back up plan, however if i do have to go with my back up and the same sort of problems occur then I'm dropping the whole idea all together. And thats 2 years work down the pan.
If it aint up within the next 2 months, im forgeting it for good.
If it don't work this time you can do very PA's for those who expresed an interest. Put my name at the top of the list