vid sales

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Andrew Jones

vid sales

Post by Andrew Jones »

Quick update- I now have a PO box address so I can take orders with much more securely now.
If anyones interested in buying vids just email me for a list.
The prices are very good-?8 each or 4 for ?25

Re: vid sales

Post by Davideo »

From the Royal Mail website.
'We are obliged to disclose your full postal address to anyone who asks for it, but we will not disclose your name or your telephone number.'
Still, I suppose it stops your postie from nicking any mail. Not that I have that problem, but I know plenty who do.
Andrew Jones

Re: vid sales

Post by Andrew Jones »

exactly why i got the box.
a lot of stuff was going missing

Re: vid sales

Post by Collector »

Are these Pirate copies or the real stuff?

Re: vid sales

Post by gofer »

I notice that you are now letting people advertise videos for sale on the bulletin board, it?s always good to find a reliable supplier.
I do wonder though if you have checked that they are selling original or certified copies, in other words that they are not selling pirate copies. I know it?s always nice to get a cheap copy of a video from a mate but when someone is making a business of it?.. Running such a well read and prestigious form as this I am sure you will have checked into this and looked carefully at anyone you let advertise here, and I hope we can agree that space should not be given to anyone making a business of selling pirate copies of videos. It?s immoral and illegal; yes even in the UK the law of copyright does exist.

Re: vid sales

Post by Davideo »

Unfortunately, due to the ridiculous laws we have in this country, it is still illegal to sell hardcore videos (R18) via mail order, unless you are willing to risk the guys at customs and order from abroad. Most licensed sex shops charge the earth for the R18 tapes, and keep massive profits for themselves. Also, only a relatively small number of videos are rated R18, so sometimes the only option is pirate tapes. I remember the old days when a 'normal' video film would cost around ?40 or ?50 to buy, pirate tapes were all the rage, and sometimes the only affordable option. That, in due course, bought the cost of films down so that today you can buy recent releases for ?9.99 or less. Hopefully, if mail order is eventually allowed, this will bring down the cost of hardcore videos.
Andrew Jones

Re: vid sales

Post by Andrew Jones »

the cost has come down, im selling ine for only ?8 a tape, less if you order more than three

Re: vid sales

Post by Producer »

I am waiting to see the list...Regardless of the laws in the uk copyright is copyright and if I see 1 title of mine listed I will be looking for compensation..
As producers we spend a large amount of money making the films, getting them certificated, paying the cast and the crew etc, etc. I for one will not stand around letting somebody else sell off my product without any payment to me.

Re: vid sales

Post by Milstone »

Like Producer we also make and finance our own videos and likewise if any unothorised person lists any of my titles they will be jumped upon from a great height!
I notice that our previous correspondent A. Jones is selling Ben Dover titles cheap. I hope he has OK?d this with Lindsey? And some of the other titles are the copyright of some very 'heavy' gentlemen. Better check with them as well. Swansea could become an unhealthy place to live!
If not why is he being alowed to use this forum to advertise and use your name as his reviewers! Over to you Alec.
Phil McCavity

Re: vid sales

Post by Phil McCavity »

Me too and all this ?40 for an 18R is pooh, My tapes are selling at ?10-?17.50 everywhere including mail order nearly everyone is selling them for me so there is no need to pirate anything as far as I am concerned and to openly advertise like this is nothing short of suicide but he wouldn't be mad enough to sell my stuff.
Mr Dover will give you a ton of grief as will his distrubuters who buy rights to his DVD's or Videos.
And finally why not buy the units from a distributer and sell them on your own web site not this one. I have 20,000 mags and CD,s in my warehouse and I don't like everyone else here try to sell them on the forum. But they are cheap,

Phil McC leaving for Cannes in morning.