I have noticed that the Christine Klinger entry is a hodgepodge of three different actresses:
The 'real' Christine Klinger is in the following films and loops:
Die Abenteuer des sex Diplomaten
Geheime L?ste blutjunger M?dchen
Gr?ne Witwen - Schwarze Ficker
Die spritzfreudige Erbengemeinschaft
Die S?ulen der Akropolis
Torte + Schw?nze zum Geburtstag
Eine verdammt heisse Braut, 2. Teil
Verf?hrungs GmbH
'False' Christine Klinger #1 does not even resemble the 'real' Christine Klinger. She is in the following films:
Die Beichte der Josefine Mutzenbacher
Intime Liebschaften (supposedly as 'Christine Kleinert')
Porno Express 1
'False' Christine Klinger #2 is the same as xnk6304 and xnk6454. She is in the following films and loops:
Nachsitzen auf Franz?sisch
Tr?ume einer Nymphomanin
Anal-inchen und der Tramp (as xnk6304)
Sex mit Sechzehn (as xnk6454)
Christine Klinger
Re: Christine Klinger
Thanks. This is another one I'd like beutelwolf to comment on before proceeding because most of these IDs came from him if I remeber correctly.