if anyone has a copy can you let me know.
since my record label dropped me i could do with the money this tape will make.
jordan home movie
Re: jordan home movie
Can't understand the fuss about this girl.
A rather hard looking face,and poor boob job.
She comes across as rather charmless &,er, not well blessed
intellectually as well,which doesn't help.
Presumably the choice of a rich boyfriend is recognition of all
If you think I,m being cruel,ask yourself which bits of the above
you can seriously dispute before having a pop at me.
A rather hard looking face,and poor boob job.
She comes across as rather charmless &,er, not well blessed
intellectually as well,which doesn't help.
Presumably the choice of a rich boyfriend is recognition of all
If you think I,m being cruel,ask yourself which bits of the above
you can seriously dispute before having a pop at me.
Re: jordan home movie
Well, lets have a look, shall we?
At best, this is subjective. I don't think she has a hard face.
In what way? They are too large for you? Again, this is your own opinion and isn't a fact that I can dispute at all.
Nah. Lets remember her age - she is no doubt younger then you and she aint going to have the kind of charm you're looking for. Thats ok though, cos she's not supposed to. And most of the porn girls don't have 'charm' as such. It's not a credential for the job.
Doesn't help what? The problem is you haven't established your criteria for measuring the characteristics of Jordan that you've brought before us. Without that, your points are meaningless.
Apart from not making much sense, an individuals choice of partner doesn't really prove anything.
Seems like your problems with Jordan are eminating from an altogether different agenda - probably based on jealousy - we'd all like to look beautiful and earn money doing it.
Forgive my pretentiousness. Just I have a soft spot for Ms Price.
A Jordan fan.
Re: jordan home movie
Once upon a time, Matt, there was a sweet, attractive, nice girl called Katie Price. Sadly, somewhere along the way, she appears (have to emphasis this since it is all based on perception fed by newspaper and magazine reports) to have turned into a media-created monster called Jordan. It's not a relatively new thing (I recall a couple of years ago her calling someone a sad wanker for daring to question her about her breast implants) but does seem to be getting worse. And if someone who cares for her doesn't help her recover the plot, this story won't have a happy ending.
Again, just an opinion, based on very few facts.
Again, just an opinion, based on very few facts.
Re: jordan home movie
Caractacus summed it up better than I did !
Just to underscore my point for the benefit of Matt........
I find it sad that she gets so much attention for doing and
offering so little.
In the context of this site's database, think of all those who
are better looking,give a lot more and get none of the recognition.
Just to underscore my point for the benefit of Matt........
I find it sad that she gets so much attention for doing and
offering so little.
In the context of this site's database, think of all those who
are better looking,give a lot more and get none of the recognition.
i feel i must say dont be so ignorant, and in that i mean who r u to talk about charm, and that most of us dont have or need charm, the majority of girls i know are full of the stuff, we are real people, with real lives and how dare u say we have none but thats ok dont need it, why ? then you say dont need to be intellectual, are you really so stupid that you see us as just the little fuck things you jerk off over, does us having brains and charm threaten your male ego, please. Sorry to say but
i and many others probably have more qualifications and brain power then you could ever have.
And we do this cos we want to not because we have to cos we cant get a real job, infact many combine both.
im very offended
i and many others probably have more qualifications and brain power then you could ever have.
And we do this cos we want to not because we have to cos we cant get a real job, infact many combine both.
im very offended
Charming indeed !
What a pity you've completely missed the point of the comments.
It's interesting that you're so defensive about what you do that you jump to wild conclusions.
My comments were NOT aimed at all girls who get their kit off.
They were personal observations about Ms Jordan,expressed bluntly but without vitriole- pity you can't express yourself
in a similar fashion,or allow others to have an opinion.
If you believe she has charm and intellect then you're obviously not as clever as you think you are.
It's interesting that you're so defensive about what you do that you jump to wild conclusions.
My comments were NOT aimed at all girls who get their kit off.
They were personal observations about Ms Jordan,expressed bluntly but without vitriole- pity you can't express yourself
in a similar fashion,or allow others to have an opinion.
If you believe she has charm and intellect then you're obviously not as clever as you think you are.
Re: Charming indeed !
you have completly missed my point -as i was replying to matts comments regarding us not needing charm and brains, as you would notice that it was attached under his thread!!had u stopped to look, so why dont you allow my opinion.
Re: Charming indeed !
this is the manner in which threads tend to develop when negative comments about an individual are posted, for whatever reason.
i accept that you weren't being critical of models in general when you made your initial remarks but i don't think it's too hard to understand why rebekah, or others in her profession, might be a bit sensitive when a colleague is called hard faced, stupid and lacking the natural social graces.
a lot of men still have a misogynistic undertow to their appreciation of models/babes/porn stars. the flipside of many mens strongly held notions of what makes one woman an 'object' of desire, has its counterpoint in equally powerful feelings of what makes another a 'slag/tart/whore, etc.
i'm not saying this is the reason for your comments about katie price but that rebekah is probably well aware that, for every man who can accept that a woman in her line of work is no better OR worse than any other, there is another one (maybe more) who holds much darker, heavier thoughts.
of course, if you read this rebekah and think i'm talking total pants, feel free to kick my sorry arse. all i can say is that from personal encouters, i know that the madonna/whore duality is still alive for a lot of guys out there, when you get past the initial, 'right on' bullshit!
i accept that you weren't being critical of models in general when you made your initial remarks but i don't think it's too hard to understand why rebekah, or others in her profession, might be a bit sensitive when a colleague is called hard faced, stupid and lacking the natural social graces.
a lot of men still have a misogynistic undertow to their appreciation of models/babes/porn stars. the flipside of many mens strongly held notions of what makes one woman an 'object' of desire, has its counterpoint in equally powerful feelings of what makes another a 'slag/tart/whore, etc.
i'm not saying this is the reason for your comments about katie price but that rebekah is probably well aware that, for every man who can accept that a woman in her line of work is no better OR worse than any other, there is another one (maybe more) who holds much darker, heavier thoughts.
of course, if you read this rebekah and think i'm talking total pants, feel free to kick my sorry arse. all i can say is that from personal encouters, i know that the madonna/whore duality is still alive for a lot of guys out there, when you get past the initial, 'right on' bullshit!
Re: Charming indeed !
Well said Rebekah, Most of the girls I work with have loads of charm. Anyway I think Jordan has nice tits and I wouldn't mind telling her so. Still she never asked to go in my Fuck Truck so maybee she is shy.
Phil McC 'n' Violet Storm
Phil McC 'n' Violet Storm