best pregnant movie ever

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best pregnant movie ever

Post by pms »

which one
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by DavidS »

Probably the Heidi series from the USA in the 70's/early80's. This was discussed at length on this forum very recently. More modern films I would say Videorama's 'Schwanger-Arschgefickt im 9 Monat' and Puaka's 'Schwanger und arshgefickt' was good too.
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by DavidS »

The US series was in fact called Helga not Heidi.
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by pms »

cool ive seen one you mentioned
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by DavidS »

Which one have you seen and what did you think of it?
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by boa »

'Schwanger-Arschgefickt im 9 Monat' is maybe "The Pregnant Teenager" which was shot in Paris in 1990, 60 minute running time and speaking in direct French sound. It was also distributed by Hohmann Video GmbH at that time in their "Lava" label but never in its country of origine.
(...) The Wife well-natur'd, and the Mistress true. (...)

John DRYDEN (Prologue to "All for love")
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by allfist »

Pregnant teenager was shot in Paris by Pierre Reinhard ( Tomato Ketchup ) .
It was part of a 12 movie deal, and only ten were distributed in France.

It had some short scenes odf scat ...

I distributed that in Canada, and will be offering it in DVD soon.
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by boa »

We are clearly speaking of the same...
(...) The Wife well-natur'd, and the Mistress true. (...)

John DRYDEN (Prologue to "All for love")
Posts: 1125
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Re: best pregnant movie ever

Post by DavidS »

The film I meant is a fairly new one. It is probably Hungarian or Czech. I believe there is more than one film with the identical title.
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