United Kingdom Porno

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

United Kingdom Porno

Post by Matt »

Sorry to be ignorant, I was just wondering something. I appreciate that this is a website designed to discuss UK girls and films, and that's cool. It's just that it can be a nightmare for someone like me far more used to American films and American stars.

When I watch porn I like to see girls really getting into it with dirty talk and big smiles on their faces. Unfortunately, that appears rare in the UK - unless I'm just not looking in the right place. I'm not a fan of Ben Dover, so I wouldn't watch his stuff, but I have enjoyed the filthy mouth of Layla Jade many times so I know it exists.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I would love to enjoy more British girls, but so often with only very vague first names available as performer stage names, it's difficult to remember who is who etc.

Thanks for your help, gang.

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by joey »

, the Internet Adult Film Database, has an admirable coverage of the American scene. If you need a forum for this, try the USENET newsgroup rec.arts.movies.erotica

There may well be other resources out there, but those are the best two I know.

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Claymore »

Hey, I'm in the business and I don't know who is who anymore! It's all to do with the way the UK adultvideo scene has gone over the past 2 or 3 years. There are no longer any "stars" in the UK. Just girls coming in off the street to earn a few quid to finance their next fix. Or so it seems. A lamentable state of affairs to be sure.

Wendy Taylor

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Wendy Taylor »

Blooming cheek!!

Whilst I wouldn't claim "star" status I have been in the business for a while and I don't 'just come in off the street to earn a few quid to finance my next fix'....... I've never had a fix in my life!!

Who are you anyway Claymore?

Matt-this site isd great to find out about UK girls. You could also try some of the links including those of the models.

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Scottie »

Claymore!Calm down.I fully appreciate your frustration in finding new fresh talent,but you start your arguements well,but then you resort to attacking ALL the girls who work in the industry.When someone replies to your remarks(wendy)you then say"Oh,I did not mean you"or no offence intended ,for want of better words.But I am afraid that "offence" is already taken by Wendy and other girls.Please do not generalise so much otherwise people will have you down as a ranting lunatic who only has one agenda,and that is to moan about the same old subject again and again and again.Forum members might start ignoring your posts in the"OH NO!NOT HIM AGAIN-SLAGS, ADDICTS,SCRAGENDS e.t.c"and your oppinions on other matters would go unread which would be a shame as a lot of them are very valid.I personally know that you have a wide knowledge on all matters of the adult video industry and to continually talk about one aspect,although there is validity in your argument,does not do your intelligence justice and offends some girls and producers alike.POINT MADE-POINT TAKEN-now give it a rest.Know what I mean!HARRY.

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Webmaster »

I dont think the girls who work with Remington Steel will be to pleased to hear that they have come off the street to get money for a fix...( Or any other producer for that matter )
I dont know what you do in the business but you should be helping to give it a better name instead of making it sound worse.
Berkely Hunt

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Berkely Hunt »

I think the problem is more to do with attitudes - the american porn industry is seen as a mainstream legitimate business with yearly turnover more than some 3rd world nations while the UK's is, let's face it, quite amateurly done in comparison - although some people must make massive profits from it I'm sure (ie. not the performers!!)

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by woodgnome »

huge swathes of middle america would disagree with the notion that porn industry is a legitimate business, as george dubyah maybe about to prove by supporting repressive legislation! producers there are seriously worried about the direction things might go in.

mr dover once said that the only reason the u.s has a porn industry and we don't is that they have a written constitution bolstering freedom of expression. we don't, natch!
Berkely Hunt

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by Berkely Hunt »

Well, perhaps I should say *almost* seen as legit - but I still reckon thier output is better produced, better directed, basically better all round.
TM Video

Re: United Kingdom Porno

Post by TM Video »

Well I can say for one that Wendy doesn't "fake" it. Having worked with her numerous times before she really loves the "work"!!! In fact we try to find girls of that very same nature. Women with heads on their shoulders (yes guys.. these women really do have HEADS!!) as well as the bodies to die for. My goal has always been to get real people and really video them getting it on. They don't always work out that way but when they do..... what a sight to see!

Stop in and see Wendy's site... or the others listed on this site. I'm sure you can find something/one to suit your needs.