Welfare Scroungers

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Arginald Valleywater
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Welfare Scroungers

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

A new level of freeloading was revealed to me yesterday. Alcoholic husband. Hasn't worked for some 19 years since he fucked his back falling down the stairs in a drunken stupor. Still smoking despite his wife dying of lung cancer.
Has pets and wants to know why the "rich fucking Tories" won't pay for his dogs to be groomed and treated at the local private Vets and not PDSA....
number 6
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by number 6 »

You do alcoholism is an an illness don't you?? I have seen people die of it in my family,they were not free loaders but lost their jobs because of it. Be careful who you label as scroungers and stop watching channel 5 crap. They have an agenda.
number 6
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by number 6 »

Arginald Valleywater
Posts: 4288
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

I don't watch poverty porn.....I work for a housing charity who look after these degenerates....he is the tip of the iceberg.
Sam Slater
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by Sam Slater »

With an attitude like your's Arg, maybe working for any sort of charity isn't your gig.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by max_tranmere »

Anyone can get Benefits now, there are even professional companies that help you fill out Disability Living Allowance forms in such a way that you will definately be awarded with monthly money - on top of your fortnightly Incapacity Benefit for whatever thing you apparently have wrong with you. I knew someone years ago who damaged their ankle as they were a professional dancer, this didn't prevent her working in any other job it just meant she couldn't dance in the way she did any more. She was not in pain either. She decided to 'go on the sick' as she put it, and when I asked her how she thought she'd get away with it she said that there was no way they could prove she wasn't exaggerating her claim about her ankle. As there was no way they could get inside her mind and know what pain she was, or wasn't, feeling they had to take her word for it. Que regular Benefits, rent paid on a property in central London and so on.

In some areas of London you have to be on Benefit or people will view you as an outsider and a conformist to society - ironically these people are living off that very society. I knew some people who lived in Bermondsey, south London, which is Benefit-central. Literally about 80% of residents are on Benefit there, even though it's within walking distance of the centre of London where all the jobs are. These people never accepted me, they said (because I work for a living) that I was 'playing the system' and that they had 'opted out of society'. What was ironic was they had actually opted further into society by virtue of the fact they were living of it and were attached to the Treasury and the tax-payers' purse by the equivilant of an umbilical cord. It is one of the daftest, most illogical things anyone has ever said to me.

I knew someone else who lived in Deptford, south London - another place one could describe as Benefit-central. He was one of the only people he knew who worked and he then got redundancy from the place we were working. I kept in touch with him and he said he had been, now that he was on Benefit, much more accepted by the locals and seen very much as one of them. People didn't see him as an outsider or conformist anymore. The fact he was now sleeping in until the early afternoon and living off the taxpayers hard-earned meant that he was now cool and accepted. How did we ever end up like this as a society?
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Re: Welfare Scroungers

Post by electric454 »


David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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For the usual culprits.....

Post by David Johnson »

Yeah, being on benefits is a life of wine and roses. Wish I could get on benefits instead of having to work. Those bastards have it so easy. I'd fit into my local society sooooo much better too if I was a benefit scrounger.

And those bastards can decide not to make any effort to look for a job either

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Post by max_tranmere »

As I said in my comment, it is a culture is some areas of London and I genuinely don't know why it is. I can understand it being so in some unemployment black-spots around the UK that never recovered from Thatcher's de-industrialisation programmes, areas where there is no work, but not in London - especially areas so close to the middle. I believe that London is the biggest city in Europe, it used to be the biggest city in the world. Quite how and why so many people are on Benefits in areas which are just minutes away from The City, Docklands and the West End, is beyond me. Maybe you have a theory...
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Maybe you have a theory..."

Judging from the timing of your posts, my theory is you are a Deptford resident on disability benefits.