Mandela Ill. Who cares?

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Arginald Valleywater
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Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Apart from his close family and hangers on why the big fuss about the ex terrorist being ill?
Sam Slater
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Sam Slater »

Tell you what.....we can all work out why you don't think anybody should care, hence this post. So why not come clean now and tell us why you think we shouldn't.

I mean.......I don't 'care' in the strictest sense, but it is newsworthy.....much more newsworthy than knowing which nightclub Katie Price fell out of last weekend, don't you think?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by william »

The fact that you are asking answers your own question......

Another Icon of the age and Icons when they get ill generate interest.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by andy at handiwork »

I should think that a large proportion of the thinking, liberal, humane, world wish him the best for his recovery. If ever there was a man who should have spent his later years in a spiteful and vengeful mood, fulminating at a world that had wronged him, such as I suspect you will spend yours, it would be Mandella, after all that was done to him. That he doesn't, says so much about the stature of the man, and about those like you who denigrate him.
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Lizard »

Well in the interest of fairness, it will be just as sad when Thatcher dies as it will be when Mandela goes, what's the difference? they are both ex Premiers, reaching the end of their days. The worst part for me will be the outpouring of grief from the great and the good, some of who were not even born when Mandela was released from Prison or Thatcher ruled as PM. It will be like the funerals of the Devil and Christ, you decide who's who.

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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Flat_Eric »

It will be a sad day when he shuffles off. No-one wears a nattier shirt than Nelson.

- Eric

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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Lizard »

Aye, his swags on point, that's for sure.

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one eyed jack
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by one eyed jack »

I care.

Not because he is black as i am prone to be myself but because I dont wish anyone bad health.

I think people who dont care should assume others wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire and lets face it, if theres no water around, would you be fussed really.

One can only pray its a beautiful woman doing that but most likely be some wrinkly old man...But of course, I digress

Hey , its the BGAFD, humour me. its a porn forum. Not Hard Talk!!!

Too much seriousness on a forum that was supposed to be about fun and wank tributes...Everything is about the blacks are coming and taking our women and Johnny Foreigners taking all our houses....

Seriously, can we not find something non racial to discuss around here or are some of you that obsessed about colour?
Don Roobles
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by Don Roobles »

obviously they ARE obsessed by colour i can smell the pork from here we go again!!!
number 6
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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by number 6 »

You can certainly tell a lot about a person when they slag off Mandela. I like to steer clear of these types of people to be honest.