Are there any messed up porn stars?

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one eyed jack
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Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by one eyed jack »

Are there any porn stars in the biz right now that are messed up in the head from doing porn? I seriously want to hear from you

I think I posted this clip before but it came up tonight whilst I was looking for something else and probably because I saw The Pink Cross Foundation and Shelly Blubbins name all over it

Ive been in this business long enough to know and I can honestly say, if you watch that clip and forget they were porn stars and just regular human beings,,(which most porn stars are) their deaths wouldnt be any more significant for it.

People happen to die everyday, all the time.

Show me a psychologically messed up porn star and i will show you someone who was psychologically messed up before they even got into it. Id even go as far to say that maybe for the time they were in it they found a kindred spirit among their peers that brought a sense of normality in their lives

That Shelly Blubbin really knows how to put you off a good wank!
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by Grendel1 »

"Show me a psychologically messed up porn star and i will show you someone who was psychologically messed up before they even got into it. Id even go as far to say that maybe for the time they were in it they found a kindred spirit among their peers that brought a sense of normality in their lives"

I totally agree with you Terry, being both a sufferer of mental illness myself, and working to help those who suffer. It affects people from all walks of life, so if you consider the percentage of people in porn to the rest of the world, is it any different? No it's not.

In fact besides my GP, I've had more help from people I've talked to who work in the adult industry, than from those that don't.

If a person has problems, they have problems. It's not the job they do that causes it.
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by videokim »

John is bipolar so he also understands mental illness & can relate to people who suffer from various mental health issues, it was the likes Stephen Fry who made people realise everyone somewhere sometime will suffer in some form from mental health.

Porn don't make messed up people life does...

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled
one eyed jack
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by one eyed jack »

Thanks folks. Just checking I wasnt being unfair.

Granted some girls may have an unpleasaant experience in the business as the founders of the Pink Cross Foundation may well have bu tusing every porn stars death by misadventure and drug use as an excuse is just simply callous and underhanded as a tactic.

I was hoping something like that charity would be a force for good but all I can see with them is evil in their hatred (and it is hatred) just watch the passion with how they speak when they substitute words for gang bangs with mass rape...

Last I knew rape was an arrestable offence
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by Nob3y »

Im well messed up ...... lol

Born to Lose..... Live to Win
one eyed jack
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by one eyed jack »

Anyone who uses LOL is well messed up Im sure Knobby :-)
Dave Wells
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by Dave Wells »

I'm not messed up but I probably messed up by going into porn. I'm finding that life after porn (not by my own choice, just the fact that I cannot get any work in the business due to the fact that there isn't any) is even tougher then it was in it ! It has proved so far impossible to find a 'normal' job. And it would seem that 30 years in porn is far worse than 30 years in jail. At least ex cons get help getting work or 'rehabilitation'. Ex porn people just get ignored or ridiculed !

Dave Wells
one eyed jack
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by one eyed jack »

I find it helps to do stuff outside porn. Ive found myself filming all sorts of things once people knew there was more to me than just porn.

I had to put myself out there and do t for free but I dont view doing things for free when I consider I am building a body of work to show other than porn.

People probably feel you are going to get them naked or something if they have you around. Some cant see that a cameraman is exactly that...A cameraman. Also helps big time if youve got toys to edit with band sound equipment...Im fast learnig there is an art to doing sound and not just about sticking a mic up and setting the recording level
one eyed jack
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by one eyed jack »


No messed up, strung out on drugs, fucked up porn stars then?

Good! Thats the end of that then!
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Re: Are there any messed up porn stars?

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I began writing a lengthy reply to this a few nights ago Terry but decided against it half way through.
