Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

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Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

Post by frankthring »

I see Brit Porn is once again front page news on the Telegraph website -
this time filth-makers have dared to rent and use (with full agreement
of the then management committee) the tunnels at Fort Amherst. The
current Fort Amherst Trust chairman has declared it an "outrage".
The fort has 14 miles of tunnels and the movie was shot on a closed set for
Playboy, but he believes filth-makers could have shot in a "warehouse" or
anywhere these scum-rats need to shoot their deplorable muck etc etc !!
One member of his committee said it made her feel ill that the poor fort
was used by people having intercourse. I sympathise...she probably needs
valium to sleep at nights now !!
OK OK, enough of my veiled someone who has used real
locations over the world, from castles in Scotland to villas in the Caribbean,
location-use and rental for porn is a tricky subject.
What do other porn-makers do or think of when organising locations ?
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Re: Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

Post by william »

Location is exactly that - a blank canvas. Its other peoples conceptions that complicate it.

I thought a nice orgy shot in the vatican would have been nice - think of the money it would bring in and all those priests could have a laugh watching the goings on.......

Can remember at Prague seeing some shooting going on cameras and lights and all - girlfriend at the time thought it would be a wheeze to go and watch the shoot - I went along thinking it would be some boring docu or the like only to find a few gorgeous girles engaged in carnal lesbian lust while some lucky dude was plouging the anus of one. Girl was like lets move on I was luck - fuck off if you want but Im staying to watch. When it completed they got quite a rousing applause from the watching audience of mainly british tourists.......

Loved it - and now have a soft spot for the dirty buggers in Prague
Dave Wells
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Re: Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

Post by Dave Wells »

Dave Wells
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Re: Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

Post by jimslip »

I love these over-reactions by the veteran committee chairwoman, "The thought of sexual intercourse occurring in our fort made me ill!" Its so Monty Python! lol

I can picture her now speaking at the committee meeting:

[img] ... d-lady.jpg[/img]

"Ladies and gentleman, today I must announce to you the gravest of news! The dark clouds of decadence and depravity have risen from and now this very day descended upon us from the very pits of Hell. Lock your doors and bar your windows, send warnings to every corner of our village! Sound the church bells! for our end is nigh!

For this very day, pornographers have entered our space!

Unbeknown to us, they have been plying their evil trade within the very bowels of our beloved fortress. A fortress built to keep the enemy out and now finding itself wasted beneath a veritable sticky,disgusting sea of sexual secretions wantonly sprayed within and upon its hallowed walls, with no consideration for neither God nor the sweat broken by our forebears. Good Men of strong shoulder and Christian virtue and fortitude who hacked through solid rock with pick axes to keep our enemies at bay!

Men who would turn in their graves and rise in anger as the rotting and righteous dead, at the thought of witnessing through their outraged dead eyes, young women clad only in high-heels, probably seamed stockings and suspenders being ravage by proud young men, plunging their gigantic engorged members into their gaping, sodden, receptive holes. The moans of lust echoing like the cries of the sinful from the depths of Hell fire. Hot, sticky, sweaty, man hands plunged into tight, flimsy panties and men gorging on swollen, ungodly giant breasts, causing saliva to dribble from the corner of the foul mouths......females opening their mouthes wide to spew out barrels of white hot man juice whilst grinning crazily at the pornographers photographic apparatus as if Beelzebub himself was standing witness and aplauding their shame.........please forgive but I am felling a little faint......pass the smelling salts.......aaaarrrrrgh!".....bump.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
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Re: Fort Amherst used by pornmakers

Post by jimslip »

Continued from above minutes of the Committee meeting to discuss "The infestation of pornographers at Fort Amherst"

"It should be noted in the minutes that our Miss Grimshaw has had one of her turns and..........ah, Miss Grimshaw you are back with us......"

"Yes, may I apologise to the committee for my sudden turn. But if I may suggest the following course of action? With the blessing of the committee, I propose to visit Miss Addiscombe at our local library and ask her to furnish me with The Book of the Dead and any other literature that may assist me in the task that lies before me. It is my intention to, with the aid of various incantations and spells, raise from their graves and then lead, a holy army of the rotting dead ! I intend that they lift their pick-axes, shovels and other implements and together we seek out the pornographer and his evil hatchlings where ever they may lurk and then smite them as with the hand of God. We will hack, chop and gouge the pornographer until he is no more and the rotting dead will drag them back to the Pit and hurl them in to suffer eternal damnation! Only then will the rotting, but now peaceful dead, return to their graves knowing justice has been done!"

"Now Miss Grimshaw, I cannot see how "Raising an army of the rotting dead" is within our remit? What do you think Vicar?"

"Well I for one would be most troubled at seeing our lovely, peaceful graveyard being churned up by dozens of the dead being resurrected, Miss Grimshaw! In fact I would go as far as to say I would be most vexed, since our Mr Holly has just re-turfed the ground and made a rather charming flower border around the perimeter of each plot!"

"Well let it be recorded in the minutes, that Miss Grimshaw is NOT permitted to wreak vengeance on the pornographers, by means of raising an army of the rotting dead! May this be an end to the matter! Now then,is their any other business?"

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"