film database

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

film database

Post by alin »

I'm busy cataloguing my video collection and this site is the business for helping to speed up the whole dreary process.
I've just noticed that I have a film which doesn't appear to be listed in your database.
The details are:

London Derierres - (Elegant Angel in ASSociation with Tom Byron Productions Inc .) with Cody Fairchild, Danielle-Louise Kelson, Vida Garman, Sonja, Clair Taylor, Steph, and Kelly.

Hope this is useful and apologies if I missed the entry or if this is not the place to bring new info to the site
joe king

Re: film database

Post by joe king »

it's under tom byron's london derierres
tom byron ...

Re: film database

Post by alin »

Thanks Joe, I should have checked there but my copy gives the Title as London Derierres only (although as I wrote earlier Tom Boy does get a namecheck in the pre-titles along with Elegant Angel). I thought it was strange because almost every other movie I've ever seen is listed.
Oh well, back to the cataloguing.
PS can anybody recommend an easy method of producing and maintaining a database of films? Is there any software that will help?
joe king

Re: film database

Post by joe king »

microsoft access.

Re: film database

Post by Callipygea »

Easier to use is Lotus Approach, which has good templates for this kind of thing. It is far better for including pictures than Access, which makes the whole process far too complicated. I use a version that I got free with a magazine, despite the fact that I also have a paid-for version of Access.

Re: film database

Post by alin »

Thanks for your help. Is it OK to copy and paste the descriptions from this site? It certainly would cut down on the work but not if its gonna piss you guys off.
Does Access come with Windows ME? I don't seem to have it installed and I don't have the installation disk. I've got a free Lotus disk somewhere though. I will have to dig it out.

Re: film database

Post by Callipygea »

Access is part of the expensive Office Professional suite, and certainly doesn't come with ME. It's a more sophisticated and powerful prog than Approach, but for that reason has a steeper learning curve. Those who know Access will use it in preference to Approach, but others will find Approach the better bet.

Re: film database

Post by alec »

alin wrote:
> Thanks for your help. Is it OK to copy and paste the
> descriptions from this site? It certainly would cut down on
> the work but not if its gonna piss you guys off.

If you mean the film notes - OK by me, especially for private use.

Re: film database

Post by Pasta »

alin wrote:
> PS can anybody recommend an easy method of producing and
> maintaining a database of films? Is there any software that
> will help?

You can actually access a couple of "homegrown" products for this very purpose at - follow the databases link on the front page there.

or go to the programmer's download page here:

Re: film database

Post by Pasta »

sorry, fucked up the link, should be: