Jeremy Clarkson

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number 6
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Jeremy Clarkson

Post by number 6 »

"All strikers should be shot in front of their families". Ha ha Jeremy,hilarious. We can tell you are bosom buddies with your toff mate Cameron, another posh ignoramus.
Phil Phee
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Phil Phee »

That c%*t chasing the populist proletariat vote again, I see. Prefers soundbites to reasoned, rigorous and substantive intellectual debate.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by jimslip »

I once did some calculations to establish whether if you got 2 Jeremy Clarksons, put them in the Large Hadron Collider and fired them towards each other at the speed of light, ie 3 x 10/8 m/sec, could you create an even biggers ARSEHOLE than the one that exists at the present time?

Every permutation and calculation proved categorically that, NO, it would be , by the Laws of Physics, impossible to create an even bigger arsehole than Clarkson already is!


Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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one eyed jack
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by one eyed jack »

I saw this on the One Show by chance and knew by the presenters reactions that it may have caused controversy but it was said I feel in jest. At least, I didnt take it serious when he said it given the tone of the show, its oneof those Good morning type shows that you smile sweetly and laugh at stupid unfunny jokes. Its not as if the guy said it on Hard Talk where I wouldve said he was out of order for saying it (actually he was out of order for saying it)
Sam Slater
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Sam Slater »

I told you to never take notice of anyone from Doncaster. Didn't I? Didn't I?

On a more serious note, imagine the uproar had he been Musim. I doubt David Cameron would have been so blas? then.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Von Boy »

A silly comment....ill thought out.... the UK forces don't even have 2 million bullets

He should keep his views to himself... he's technically a public sector worker as his income mainly comes form tax (TV Licence)

Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Peter »

Von Boy wrote:

> He should keep his views to himself... he's technically a
> public sector worker as his income mainly comes form tax (TV
> Licence)

He's self employed, I believe, and just sells his services to the BBC.

All this publicity he's generating, it's a pity he doesn't have a DVD out to sell...........

We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by Jonone »

I'll bet his pension is more 'gilt edged' that most if not all civil servants.
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Re: Jeremy Clarkson

Post by RoddersUK »

Von boy, 2 million rounds is not a lot. What with the events in Afghan the holdings will probably be in the region of 5-10 million rounds of 5.56mm.
As for 30 and 50 I would imagine 3-5 million each. Larger calibres would be held according to usage. Probably not a lot of 120mm, about 200 per Challenger in stock. But, any amount of rounds can be replaced.
When in NI in 1976 we were so low on 7.62 that MOD purchased a load of Pakistani rounds as replacement stock and what shyte they were. When fired you never knew if they would fire or if the case would be ejected complete. A total waste of time and money in that particular instance. These were easy to recognise as the primer was sealed to the case with a green compound. British rounds are sealed with a purple compound. So, we dumped them and obtained British rounds if we could.
