ePetition for Stronger Babe Channels on TV

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ePetition for Stronger Babe Channels on TV

Post by eccles »

Do you want stronger babe channels on TV, like they used to be?

Do you want to stop Ofcom tightening the rules all the time?

Then sign the epetition here http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/13222

Enter a believable name, address, a real postcode (it checks) and your email address. Click the link. Go to your email and click the confirmation link. Thats all it takes to register a vote.

If you are shy about using your real name and address, why not fuzz the details a little. But please not really obviously fake names otherwise the petition will get thrown out if it ever gets enough support.

Its a modest proposal asking for all 18 rated content to be treated the same, nothing outrageous, so any adult ought to be able to sign without hesitation, but if passed it would put an end to the constant watering down of adult content on TV and endless harassment.

If enough people sign, MPs will see which way the wind is blowing.

There are counter proposals to TIGHTEN the rules. If we do nothing the rules WILL get tighter.

*** http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/13222 ***
Arginald Valleywater
Posts: 4288
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: ePetition for Stronger Babe Channels on TV

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Best of luck mate but with the current bunch of do gooder public school boys I don't fancy your chances......
Lex Luger
Posts: 551
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: ePetition for Stronger Babe Channels on TV

Post by Lex Luger »

It won't work. Once the MPs eventually do get a hold of it, and find the hordes of signatures from creepy men wanting to see women to lick someone other lady who clearly doesn't want to be there's vagina whilst talking to a drunk person via the telephone on television, they would piss themselves with laughter, and move on.

I hate Kasabian.