Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

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Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Peter »

A small town-let has a minor parking problem.

You decide to sell off just over one third of the designated parking bays to construct a building that will attract more traffic into the area.

Q. Does the parking problem

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. There's no effect

(Not a trick question, this is real life for me) Further questions if there's enough interest.

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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by randyandy »

There is a lot of short minded thinking going on to generate immediate funds at the moment.

The answer which I am assuming your saying isn't rocket science is A
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Peter »

Thankyou for your answer, unfortunately, your application was unsuccessful this time. Allthough the the actual answer is A, the council approved answer is in fact, C.

Now that this non-increase in traffic is causing problems on the streets, do you

a. paint yellow lines everywhere (against the wishes of the locals, who told you what the consequences would be)
b. open up that bit of rough land, it's only temporary, but it'll solve the problem
c. Do nothing

We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by dean1234 »

As a dumb councillor answer C
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Robches »

It depends how much the developer hands over in a brown envelope. Always make sure you get on the planning committee, that's where the money is.
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by sparky »

It depends how much the developer hands over in a brown envelope. Always make sure you get on the planning committee, that's where the money is.


Of course wrong to tar all councillors with the same brush but many serve first and foremost for their own gain in some way over and above the interests of those they represent and pay the taxes.

It is not just planning but the awarding of contracts for local roadworks, park and open space maintenance, decorating council property, supplying stationary .......................

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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Peter »

dean1234 wrote:

> As a dumb councillor answer C

Are you claiming an attendance allowance for this post?

We have need of you again, great king.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Come to Cumbria, we have "Labour" councillors driving Porsche Cayennes and Mercedes S Class's...........more caviar Lenin?
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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by RoddersUK »

The eventual answer is to vote the twatts out at the next Council Elections and replace them with some who will reverse the problem., if the commercial venue has not provided parking spaces, I suppose what they could do would be to build multi storey carparks, up or down, preferably down, and retain the running for themselves instead of handing it to NCP who are among the biggest robbing bastards in the UK at present.
It's easy to get rid of unpopular Councillors, Portslade and Hove have been doing it for years. Upset the locals here and at the next election, yer out on yer arse. Brighton on the other hand is full of metrosexual ex uni students who have stayed and fucked the town up.

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Re: Are you dumb enough to be a local councillor?

Post by Peter »

Unfortunately, as with all those elected, they have the master/servant role the wrong way round. I've been fighting this for 20 years, all i'm asking for is the ability to both enter and leave my property via the only vehicular access available, without hinderance. But yesterday, what was sold to us as "basically a private access road for those 4 houses" became the only long term parking spot in town. And its already fucking up my life.

Electing different flavours of councillors doesn't work, like all politicians, they say what you want to hear when they want your vote, then do a "Clegg" when they have it.

These councillors who have made it difficult for anyone to park in my area are the self same ones now moaning that the proposed Tesco store a couple of miles away will ruin our local shops. Well, idiots, you already ruined them by preventing people being able to stop and nip in for something.

The answer is there, there's the site of the old infant school, which has been a weed infested eyesore for close to a decade now, but they want to sell it, so won't use for the ideal car park it would make. And if they did sell it, that would bring even more traffic to the area, with no corresponding increase in parking spaces.

idiots, the lot of them.

We have need of you again, great king.