UK would be the worst to react!!!

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UK would be the worst to react!!!

Post by happychappy »

If there were serious protests with millions of people in the UK about the many things that are wrong with this country it would be the worst to react.Yet current so called government criticises other countries reactions.Apart from students people do not really protest here instead people sit in their houses or bars in moan about it all.I know there are things that are good about the UK but there is a long list of issues that seem to never be resolved.
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Re: UK would be the worst to react!!!

Post by jimslip »

I don't think there is ANY comparison with life in the UK and life these countries, where a woman is stoned to death for committing adultery. Where people's everyday freedoms, which we take for granted are brutally crushed by crazed religious maniacs. Where if you protest, you are dragged off, imprisoned and tortured. Where all of us who post or simply view BGAFD, would be hanged if discovered.

Luckily we are not quite as bad as this over here.........yet!

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David Johnson
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Re: UK would be the worst to react!!!

Post by David Johnson »

"I don't think there is ANY comparison with life in the UK and life in these countries, "


"where a woman is stoned to death for committing adultery".

This does take place in some Arab countries like Pakistan, for example but as far as I know it is not prevalent in North Africa or Bahrain, for example.

"Where people's everyday freedoms, which we take for granted are brutally crushed by crazed religious maniacs. Where if you protest, you are dragged off, imprisoned and tortured."

I would agree with most of this except to say that people like Mubarak, Ben Ali in Tunisia strike me as more like secular dictators, who have taken over, often with help from the military and although they may use religion as part of their cover they are much more like a dictator on the make than a "crazed religious maniac".

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Re: UK would be the worst to react!!!

Post by RoddersUK »

Oh come on, even the Thatcher woman was voted out by her own.
The events happening in the Middle East at present are disturbing because of what might or will replace the deposed regimes.
It has been said that Tunisia has booted out one dictator but regressed to the stone age as the "Mad Mullahs" will take over.
If that is progress then I am happy to be here with all of our troubles.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Who are you replying to Rodders, me or Happychappy? It isn't clear to me from your post.

"It has been said that Tunisia has booted out one dictator but regressed to the stone age as the "Mad Mullahs" will take over"

Who has said that? Last I read was that the prime minister was setting up a national unity government and that there would be elections in 3-6 months time.

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Re: Rodders

Post by RoddersUK »

Tunisia regressing into the stone age is in the papers, and alarmingly I get the impression that this will happen in all of the countries that are at present in revolt. Though with Saudi it would be difficult to regress further as the bastards are in the stone age already.
