Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

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Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by max_tranmere »

Something else I saw on the news today. At the next protest that takes place on the scale of these last three the Police might hose down the protesters with powerful water jets.

Some guy in hush-puppies, chords, tweed jacket, scarf, and trying to disguise his Home Counties accent and sound very 'street' (man!) is standing there whining about something or other, then WHOOSH - he is hit with a powerful jet and lauches backwards into a statue. He then has to go to hospital and have stitching to his head (queue days and days of media coverage about 'heavy handed tactics employed by the authorities', how the authorities 'over reacted' and so on).

Does anyone think that using water cannon on these people in future will be a good idea?
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by we8derby »

give them a bar of soap and they can have a wash as well soapdodgers!
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by nothingman »

The general public are already complaining at how unprepared we are for winter,so spraying gallons of water around London on a cold day will just turn it into the worlds biggest outdoor ice rink, old dears will fall and break their hips and then the government will be in even more s**t, let the students say what they want and make sure all royal cars have closed windows.
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by RoddersUK »

Water cannon are effective. Soak the twatts and they willlose all their ardour and fuck off. Seen it in Ulster.

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

About bloody time too!! Personally a bit of CS gas a some stun grenades would also calm these retards down.
Bob Singleton
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by Bob Singleton »

max_tranmere wrote:

> Something else I saw on the news today. At the next protest
> that takes place on the scale of these last three the Police
> might hose down the protesters with powerful water jets.


Whatever "news" channel you rely on is very wide of the mark... it was SUGGESTED by some commentators that water cannon be used, but many very senior officers in the Met Police, including the commissioner, have ruled out the use of such tactics. Not even a question of "might"... there will be no water cannons deployed.

What you were watching was OPINION wrapped up as news... but it's not actually news. No doubt this "news" was provided by some of Rupert Murdoch's minions. Either that or you hear what you want to hear, and twist everything else to suit.

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by spider »

Stories about Water Cannon, stories about Royal Protection rozzers nearly drawing their guns because horse face got poked with a stick............

Either the Tories or the media (can't tell the difference sometimes) seem to be really rattled.

I wonder how long it's going to be now before Cameron decides on a U-Turn regarding cutting Police numbers?
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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by Warpig »

Issue rubber bullets and watch the lazy cunts run.

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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by planeterotica »

Why not just machine gun them !wink!

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Re: Water cannon could be used on protesters in London

Post by Warpig »

no need to kill em, just really fucking hurt em.
