Its shit like this why people dont come here

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one eyed jack
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Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by one eyed jack »

Speaking to a lot of people in the business as I normally do it seems that a lot of folk in the adult business may look in on this forum but are afraid to post because the negative comments from this community puts them off. Notabout porn per se but the fact they dont want to entertain people who are set in their narrow minded and xenophobic thoughts.

I know the mods do their best to neutralise things but still, the atmosphere is thick with negativity, or so those who commented feel anyway. Is this a refection of our financially repressed times or what?

I get chastised for being on here all the time and actually got told off for being a spokesman but I may not be the best spokesman for the industry but Ill take his place until he gets here !happy!

Fact is, I really do like this place and a lot of people who post on it. I like the criticisms as I'm smart enough to know which are genuine and serious compared to those that are plain nasty and scathing.

Just thought I would share this with you is all. What say you the patrons of this forum.

Oh and dont shoot the messenger ok? !surrender!
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by Deano! »

I only post here occasionally but I wouldn't say it's worse than any other forum.

I've seen many other forums with far more abuse and insults flying than here. Electronics forums, for some odd reason, seem to harbour a high percentage of nutters terribly worried that the whole world might not know that they are the SUPREME ELECTRONICS GENIUS!!!! They spend hours each day (I assume they're unemployed) responding to almost every post by abusing and belittling all other posters on the grounds that they're wrong about some technical matter. Such forums usually reduce down to 3 or 4 fruitcake members who have the whole forum all to themselves just before it collapses.

The main friction point on this forum seems to be the usual Left versus Right political divide. I find it interesting, but I dont feel that my own pro-Right (generally) view needs protecting from the views of others. There is far too much interesting talk here to be threatened by the occasional shit fight.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by planeterotica »

A forum is a forum and as much as i agree with you Terrry about negativity and adverse post this is what forums are about, and as i recall the OT forum was set up to cater for Steve56 who i doubt has ever offended anyone on the bgafd...

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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by Ned »

You want to try football forums if you want nastiness and negativity and in-fighting.

The things that happen on here, which I think I must have missed anyway, are mild compared to the kind of vitriol poured out in those places.
one eyed jack
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by one eyed jack »

I hear you Ned but Im talking about this place.

The nastiness and the vitriol we dont get to see has probably been ttaken care of by the moderators of this forum..and probbaly for good reason too but people in the porn industry dont really expect to deal with the colour issue which is probably best left to an appropriate site like, the BNP perhaps.

I guess thats why its called the OT forum but not a lot of people see it as seperate from the rest of the site.

Mind you, I'd prefer to know the thoughts of people that do come on this forum than not
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by RoddersUK »

When I was stationed in Colchester I used to dive at the Ardley Resevoir and Mary fucking Whitehouse used to live near there, so I always lived in hope that one day I would see her and have brake failure at 60mph.
I see nothing wrong with consenting adults doing their thing, and the likes of Mary fucking Whitehouse need to fuck off and keep their gobs shut.
I don't agree with everyone on this forum and one or two I really dislike, but hey, it's their opinion and I have my opinions which several do not like, but so what.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Notabout porn per se but the fact they dont want to entertain people who are set in their narrow minded and xenophobic thoughts."

I understand what you are on about. There appears to be a significant number of people who fill the "narrow minded and xenophobic" bag on this forum.

I know people get pissed off with my sarcasm and ironic remarks in response but personally I don't feel I need to apologise for responding to posters who make Margaret Thatcher look like Karl Marx.

One of the problems is that a lot of these people do not appear to have any experience of having a discussion and going through their reasons for having a view or even having people disagree with them. Its usually at this point that some posters just reply with an endless stream of insults. See Jimslips and Lizards posts in recent threads as examples!!

When they are challenged, their automatic view seems to me to be "you are PC, you are forcing your views upon me etc etc. which seems to be a remarkably childish view to take towards people who just happen to disagree with you.

Having said that, I agree with their right of free speech provided it is within the limits of the laws about preaching race hatred etc etc.

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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by countb »

must say weve not always agreed OEJ,partic over the Emily stuff,but you do at least contribute and theres nowt wrong with differences of opinion.Thats what a forum is all about.
So keep posting young man and keep producing Real an ex seller of porn,this site is top quality

fighting hard but fighting fair
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

The curious thing is this forum has always been known as the domain of the grumpy old man

Was christened so several weeks after it was opened WAYBACK
As such negativity has always been a constant but then so was humour


Whats changed is the level of personal angst amongst those that frequent this site...The reason for that is pretty clear

Politics....its a poisonous topic at the best of times
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Re: Its shit like this why people dont come here

Post by Lizard »

Well said buttercup, I pointed that out yesterday, oh well we still have the rock.

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