
A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
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Post by djrooster »

Hi, just was wondering if anyone else has had any 'issues' with this 'forum'?

I had been a member for a while and thought why not post a few things, i add nothing offensive though, all i was saying is how the quality of SOME of the sexstation live web girls was not that great ie Foxy, Danielle etc, they are just not easy on the eye to me.
I did stress this was my opinion but the post was deleted almost instantly, i then posted it again but with the heading 'this will probably be deleted' and i went back and not only was it deleted but i had been banned for good!?

Not being over the top but seriously? ive often read the post on this forum and there are loads of different opinions some i like some i dont but who do babechannels think they are? ive read posts from people before saying 'why have my posts been deleted' etc but now ive seen it first hand and to be banned for basically questioning this when i had people emailing me asking for my membership details to any sites i was a member of?

well ive probably bored you all by now was just wondering if anyone else has has similar experiences? most of the high posters seem to be regular stalker types ie recording every minute of live shows etc - i mean that in the nicest way and if you think im referring to you i apologise, i really hope this isnt deleted coz this has taken me time to write and on here it seem people can actually voice theyre opinions!

Keep up the good work BGAFD Forum!
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Re: babechannels

Post by hiwatt »

We have found similar issues.

The Moderators conduct themselves as a little clubby clique, running their own agendas.

Just as one example: Bluebird provides free pix of Babechannel babes, which their fans much appreciate. Yet the Moderators keep moving some - but not all of them - to threads which are not actually that particular girl's own thread - making it difficult for the girls fans to see them.

Yet, there are vast chunks of plainly copyright breaching images that the same Moderators do allow to live on those girls threads.

We asked the Moderators to allow the Forum fans to give their own opinion/votes on this bizarre practice. They refused.

But don't worry - that Forum we hear will be under new management soon: so those little moderator boys will have to take their attitudes elsewhere.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: babechannels

Post by djrooster »

thats good to hear and cheers for the reply, i thought i might get 'serves you right' etc.
If i had written something really offensive i'd have understood my ban but it was literally nothing apart from my opinion, i reckon they banned me coz i highlighted the fact that they just delete posts they dont like.
Main 2 on there seem to be skateguy and the watcher, all they seem to do is post screencaps and crappy vids.
Your right though its like a little club.

Its got the potential of being a really good forum so some hope if its gonna be under new management
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Re: babechannels

Post by The_Juan »

Someone is pissed because nobody really cares about these babechannel girls he has got doing hardcore.
Posts: 1505
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Re: babechannels

Post by m100 »

Personally I'd rather have a night with Foxy or danielle than 99% of the girls on any channel. Seriously if you'd seen foxy fuck then so would you.
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Re: babechannels

Post by reg4cats »

Hi Rooster i hd pst dleted said nth bad jst dlt and no rpy to mail ask ?
And I ws going 2 pst here 4 Foxy say blubird shd find her work opsite from bt no fight just opinons dif
They do wht they like hope blubird buys and hyatt fires all then gits
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Re: babechannels

Post by BGAFD Admin »

Unless you want to have your posts deleted from here as well, pls cut out the txt bllx.
Posts: 1505
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Re: babechannels

Post by m100 »

shouldn't this be in the o/t forum? It's neither about a particular girl, film, company etc but is simply someone airing a greivance with another forum.
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Re: babechannels

Post by paulpaul »

reg4cats wrote:

> Hi Rooster i hd pst dleted said nth bad jst dlt and no rpy to
> mail ask ?
> And I ws going 2 pst here 4 Foxy say blubird shd find her work
> opsite from bt no fight just opinons dif
> They do wht they like hope blubird buys and hyatt fires all
> then gits

Jesus, do you have keys missing from your keyboard?
Posts: 55
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: babechannels

Post by smcgill1888 »

djrooster failed to mention the fact that he opened another account as soon as he was banned. His one day ban then became permanent because multiple accounts are not allowed. The three posts he made with the new account were also removed for being sarcastic, stupid and abusive.

Mr bluebird will need to watch out too, he has multiple accounts, next time he logs in he might find he has none.