Male issues.. advice needed..

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Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by max_tranmere »

Bit embarrassing this, but I got a bit of pain down below. I've had it a few months now and it basically feels like I need to piss all the time, and when I go it often feels quite hot. This is NOT like the "peeing broken glass" or "peeing red hot needles" discomfort that some people have (those are desciptions often used for something much worse) but this is pretty bad. I had to go to A&E at the hospital one day as I was in so much pain, but since the Doctor started me on a course of tablets it has beome more managable - although still painful most of the time. They want to put a camera down inside my dick (sounds horrific!!) to try and see what the problem is as the tablets haven't got rid of it. The camera is apparently about 15 inches long and as thick as a pen! This sounds painful beyond words, but I will be under anaesthetic.

Sometimes when I sit down it is more painful than when I am standing up - this is because the body is hinged when sitting down I guess (this is particularly annoying as I drive a lot with my job so the discomfort is greater when I am out in the car each day.) To add pain to even more pain, I have an aching shoulder which I got from a pallett falling on my shoulder in our warehouse at work which plays me up a lot. So I am basically pain ridden!! I have to limit my fluid intake because of this problem down below and if I got out I have to drink slowly and over a long period rather than just tipping pints down my throat - a quick intake of fluid would cause me massive problems, like that day I had to go to A&E. Waking up in the morning with a full bladder and having a massive piss causes unbelieveable pain aswell - pain like you're on the verge of total panic!

Some questions:

Does anyone know what this problem might be and how it might be cured?

Is there a limited time period someone can go without having to cum? I've absteined for months now, longest ever, as it will be painful beyond words to engage in a bit of hand-shandy nowadays.

Anyone ever had the 'camera down the dick' thing? Is it bareable, is it AGONY after the anaesetic wears off?

Any advice and help on this would be appreciated! Thanks.
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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by sparky »

Enlarged prostate? ( NOT cancer )

I did not realise it was possible to pass something the size of a pen up the penis even under anaesthetic.

I hope you are not in more pain after the examination.

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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by max_tranmere »

I hope not too. Apparently this thing is the diameter of a pen (or a machine rolled cigarette). Pretty horrific stuff!!

Enlarged prostate could be a possibilty. Whatever it is, I hope they sort it out. As I mentioned, I haven't cum for 4 months (too afraid to do that) and I have to monitor my fluid intake.
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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by diplodocus »

sounds like a bladder/kidney infection or possibly prostate issues

the good thing is that you're seeing a doc and not ignoring it and being treated, if it is an infection it may take a few weeks to clear up depending on them getting the choice of antibiotics right, which may be why you havn't seen an 'quick' cure yet

never had a camera down the dick (but have into the lungs whilst awake) and generally the anticipation of these things is a lot worse than reality - the lung one was a doddle

I have had a cannula (tube down the dick into the bladder) inserted whist awake with no sedative, and it wasn't a big issue, maybe a little uncomfortable but certainly not pain, and once it's in you don't really notice it. If they are giving you anaesthetic then unlikely you will notice what's going on as i reckon they will give you sedative as well

Taking it out is literally seconds and not at all painful

as I said the thought of it is miles away from reality, chill out and look at it as the sooner they know the cause the quicker you will be back to normal

there is no time period at all for needing to cum and I would not recommend limiting fluid intake, if it is a kidney issue the worst thing you could do is become dehydrated - even if it is painful - but I would double check this with the doc

best of luck

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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by JonnyHungwell »

I've had something similar to this on a few occasions in my life, but in my case it has mostly cleared up in a week or so, so I've just put it down to some infection of kidney/bladder. I had one case many years ago that lasted a really long time - and that seemed to end when a little black stone type thing came out once as I urinated - not sure if you can get kidney stones at a young age, as I was then. I've never seen a doctor, so never found out the causes - but knowing doctors, they would probably not be able to give you a definitive answer anyway.
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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by diplodocus »

ps. that should be catheter not cannula

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
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Re: Male issues.. advice needed..

Post by max_tranmere »

Thanks sparky, and to didlidocus with your detailed comment. Thanks to Johnyhungwell aswell for your words. I have had tests for kidney function, gall stones and internal infections. They drew a blank with all of them. I've had this problem in a minor way for about 10 years but I always knew how to stay one step ahead of it - I knew never to cum after I had drunk any alcohol (so late-night sex was a no no, when I was in a relationship, if I had had any alcohol, and late-night wanks were out!) and I also knew not to cum within a hour or two of having had any fluid at all (water, tea, orange juice, anything). I more or less kept it at bay, and had a couple of referalls by my GP during that decade, but the quacks couldn't do anything.

Four months ago it got very bad one afternoon and remained very bad. It got so bad a few days later I went to A&E at the hospital. The on-duty Doctor that day did a prostate check (not pleasant!!) but said it was normal. I was then put on Oxybutynin tablets by my GP - which I'm still on. I saw a consulant 6 or 8 weeks later (the earliest appointment I could get) who did another prostate check - he said it was slightly enlarged. I dont know if the thing had got bigger in those weeks or it was a differnt opinion simply because it was a differnt person. Anyway, he prescibed me to take Bazetham each day ASWELL as the Oxybutynin each day.

The situation improved a lot after I started taking the first lot of tablets but I have discomfort each day still and sometimes I have a period of a few hours where it is really very painful. Like I said earlier, a full bladder, followed by a massive piss, first thing in the morning, is literally agony - where you are going out of your mind, and you genuinely get scared as to what you might do if the pain doesn't abate! It normally goes within an hour. That happens rarely though as I ensure I will not have a full bladder first thing.

So it looks like the 'camera down the dick' thing is next!' As I say, I appreciate everyone's comments and help. As I've given a bit more detail here, does anyone have any idea what it may be? (My money's on something to do with the prostate, but as I say I've had it in one form or another for a decade). Thanks for all your advice and help.