Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

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Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by mrmcfister »

This dreadful woman was given 100K to do Indian BB.She has told the world via her publicist that she had cervical cancer and has had to rush home.No doubt the gutter press will have her on the front pages tomorrow and she'll be selling the whole terrible tale in a few weeks to the highest bidder.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

As bad as she is I wouldnt wish anyone cancer but cant help thinking its a
Publicity stunt for ratings

You can bet your last dollar its all been planned for maximum exposure of the show

What saddens me is anytime a so called Celebrity is brought into a show the ratings surge...happened in Australia when they brought the blonde bimbo pamela anderson on for a week

says more about the viewers than the organisers or the so called celebrities
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by mrmcfister »

Anyone that knows anything about smear tests results shows the results cover a wide continuum of possibilities.This awful woman will milk the publicity for all its worth.Of course I wish her well but I am appalled how the issue was announced to the world by Max Clifford and remember she recieved the news in 'the diary room'.This sordid tale will be drip fed for weeks much to the advantage of hers and Clifford's bank accounts.
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by Stewie_McGriffin »

She received the news in the diary room but the call was not broadcast, and nor was it filmed.

I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch.
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by Jonone »

McFister, find people to inspire you and dwell on them. The others sap your spirit and make you hateful.
number 6
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by number 6 »

Would love to feel sorry for her,but cant. I just have vision of a pig ignorant racist low life,cant get it out of my head.
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by michaeldon1 »

This reeks of a publicity stunt......She's flying back to see "another consultant",whats the odd's of several weeks of her "My Cancer Hell" stories,she'll be given the all clear....with a few hundred grand added to her bank account...will she pay back the 100 grand she was paid for doing Indian BB?????
I'm cynical..yes,but this girl has no talent except self-publicity,does anyone remember when she was orginally in BB...SHE WAS HATED....
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Jade Goody..another D lister chasing headlines

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

You'd hope not Alice but where large sums of money & reality TV is involved I dont discount anything or believe a word they say

I put TV on par with Politicians & lawyers...they all ltell us what we want to hear

You never really know whats going on but you can be assured theres a lot of unscrupulous back room dealings happening out of sight