Hardcore, Layla, Wendy, etc

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Hardcore, Layla, Wendy, etc

Post by Crimpo »

The documentary just confirmed what I always thought.

1) Some girls (and men) go into hardcore for entirely the wrong reasons, e.g family abuse, self loathing, etc. Tragedy can follow.

2) The cause of such tragedies is not the business (that is just one catalyst - like self-mutilation, anorexia, etc) it is the original cause.

3) Most people find it easier to blame the porn industry beacause it is the perfect Aunt Sally and its a lot easier than tackling the real problems.

4) The fact that women like Layla and Wendy can go into the industry on their own terms and be succesful is evidence for the above.

Thanks to Wendy and Layla for her comments on this subject - for myself I never did like that Dick Nasty!

Re: Hardcore, Layla, Wendy, etc

Post by Wendy »

Thanks Crimpo. What you say is quite right.

Trouble is no-one will ever make a fair documentary concerning the likes of me and Layla-we don't conform to their agenda. Far too stable and level headed for their liking!

Re: Hardcore, Layla, Wendy, etc

Post by Xeno »

I mentioned this in a post below Wendy, given the relatively cheap aquisition of 3 chip DV camera's why not make a documentary yourself?

money and morals

Post by rev »

Wendy wrote:
> Trouble is no-one will ever make a fair documentary
> concerning the likes of me and Layla-we don't conform to
> their agenda. Far too stable and level headed for their liking!

Why the hell would they they bother ?!!
No-one's interested in the less than photogenic girl who works
at a checkout- and she pays her taxes which benefit us all.
Cash-in-hand tax returns - give me a break !!
I've given up reading novels because I get all the fiction I
need reading your submissions.
The fact you're morally and spiritually bankrupt is very much your business.- but it's much more of a crime if you've been
blessed with intelligence as you appear to have been.

Re: money and morals

Post by Wendy »

I notice you haven't given your e-mail address. I wonder why!?

Tax? Excuse me? Where did that come from?

As for my submissions being fictional what right have you to call me a liar? Actually I'm rather more concerned about you saying I'm morally and spiritually bankrupt although I was wondering where all these boils and pustules keep coming from.

All of my submissions are written by me and express my own honestly held opinions. I've never resorted to insults like you and I suggest you visit other websites/fora if we upset you so much. On the other hand if you'd like to oppose me during a public debate I'd be more than happy to take you on!

Re: money and morals

Post by joey »

The "rev" appears to be exhibiting the typical "holier than thou" mindset that leads people towards religious careers.

I suspect he'd rather 'take you on' in other ways, Wendy, but would have trouble admitting it :-)

Re: money and morals

Post by rev »

Wendy wrote
>Tax? Excuse me? Where did that come from ?

.."Rev" stands for Revenue- see,not that difficult.
My point was that I wonder what you give to society .
-You don't do a job that benefits the community (don't trot out
that old social service line please)
-Your not paying all (if any) of the tax you should which pays
for all the real social services.(if you say you are I'm more
qualified than most to indeed call you a liar)
-Your not raising children.

What's your legacy ?

Just what exactly do you give,that a well-rounded person in a
loving relationship doesn't need anyway ?

All of which leads back to the point about why anyone would
bother to make a film about you - other than for titillation.

The fact I think your morally and spiritually bankrupt is not
an insult, but merely my opinion.
And no, I don't expect it to find much favour here.
I visited here because to express an opinion you first have to
find out about the subject.
Now I have,I have no intention of returning-which will suit us

Re: money and morals

Post by woodgnome »

goodbye! :-)

Re: money and morals

Post by Krome »


Please do not accuse people that work in this industry of not paying tax. I run the sites www.ukvideobabes.com and www.benscastingcouch.com which are part of the TC Entertainment Company (www.trafficcrew.com) which in turn is Krome Ltd (yep it is not just a nick name) trading as. I pay a sodding fortune in Tax - from V.A.T. to corporation tax, to my personnal income tax and national insurance. If you saw my tax bills you would have a heart attack. I know that Ben Dover has just paid his and his bill was a nasty bugger as well.

If you can tell me anyway that I can get away with not paying tax and go cash in hand, apart from moving to Monaco, then please tell me.

Every girl that works for us has to sign a model release and a cash reciept which is then forwarded to my accountant for my accounts (you can check out at companies house that I am a fully paid up memeber of the Inland Revenue).

So please if you wish to discuss tax issues and how I can stop being P.A.Y.E. to C.I.H. (Cash in hand) please email me.

Yours Krome. (Ltd fully incorporated in the UK and not some tax haven)

Re: money and morals

Post by Shaun »

what's the company number your listed under at Companies house?