Film Reviews

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Film Reviews

Post by Callipygea »

The vast number of films listed on this site are far too numerous for Alec and the team to see and review them all.

I am wondering whether it would be worth encouraging the users of the site to contribute short reviews where none already exist.

Obviously this might lead to a flood of unwanted extra work for the team, but it would certainly (in my humble opinion) increase the value of the site considerably.

I know there are other sources of information available, but it would be convenenient to have it all in the one place.

What do others (and the team in particular) think?

PS A note as to where to buy the films would also be useful.

Re: Film Reviews

Post by harris »

or nick the reviews of rame, who tend to nick them off newsgroups anyway

Re: Film Reviews

Post by alec »

Film reviews - two very helpful suggestions. I'll take the second one first.

Getting reviews off rame or iafd - just need to put up the links really - fine if someone else would like to take on the task of collecting and collating the urls. Plus I would point out that these are mostly reviews of American films by Americans. Many of them would nevertheless be on topic, but the identifications would often be absent or misleading. That is not a criticism of the reviewers as they can't be expected to identify girls they have never seen before, but it would be a disadvantage for some of our purposes.

Reviews by other people of films they happen to have obtained are very welcome - there are already one or two either up already or pending. As Callipygea points out we cannot watch everything. In addition it would be useful to have the tastes of other people reflected in the reviews and for this reason short additions to reviews already up might also be useful. All this being subject to Phil K's approval as he is the one who does the all the html and uploading etc. and subject to the right to edit them - i.e. for length, spelling, grammar and typos and perhaps offensiveness (just trying to cover all eventualities here) not opinions.
Phil K

Re: Film Reviews

Post by Phil K »

In principle it sounds a great idea. My only problem with it would be the potential work load that could be involved if hundreds and hundreds of reviews suddenly started turning up.

A future possibility could be to add a "submit a review" type
feature on each film page (a bit like those you find on Amazon etc.). I don't thing we could let such submissions go straight onto the site without first going via us for approval - otherwise we'd just be asking for trouble. I'm sure I could find a way to automate the whole process though.

However, I couldn't consider doing this just at the minute. The site has more than doubled in size in the last twelve months and my priority at the moment is to speed up and automate the whole update process which has become very time consuming. Many of you who send us info must wonder why it sometimes takes so long to appear and this is something we are working hard to improve.

But, yes, I'm sure I'm speaking for Alec as well in saying that all contributions are always welcome - it's just that sometimes you might need to be patient before they appear on the site.