'8 real porn films on video'
The word 'Porn' is nice and ambiguous. In the ad it also has 'pure hardcore action' Checks made to 'our choice' (coincidence?)
'Big Stiff One' , BBFC says...
To obtain this category cuts of 0m 50s were required., some or all of these cuts were substitutions. The cuts were Cuts for category.
Company chose to provide substitute title - titles containing pornographic language unacceptable at "18". Company chose to cut sight of oral-genital contact, oral penetration and sight of penis shaft during vaginal penetration to achieve an "18". An uncut "R18" was available to the distributor. R18 material can only be sold in licensed sex shops.
'Lesbians in uniform' and 'Northern Birds having it off' are all 18 cert.
'British Hardcore vol 1' is an 18 cert, vol 2 has 8 mins cut out of it (compared with XXX British Hardcore vol x which is an R18)
I haven't found 'Oral and Bonking special' and 'Pam and Tommy XXX)
Is 'Oral and Bonking Special' = 'Loud Bonking Session' ?
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
Our Choice definitely sell 18-certificate stuff. The sex may be real but you can't see it.
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
I used to be a hack on the sport, and basically they all get paid shit and dont care, adn the editor is despised by everyone and takes the paper really seriously. There are hardly any staff so they never have any good ideas, and they have no respect for their readers or each other.
It could be a really good paper, but theyre just a bunch of amateurs with a big printing press who only think of the next quick sale.
People cant believe I left a job that involved looking at naked picutres and porn all day, but i couldnt wait to get out.
I now manage a cinema.
It could be a really good paper, but theyre just a bunch of amateurs with a big printing press who only think of the next quick sale.
People cant believe I left a job that involved looking at naked picutres and porn all day, but i couldnt wait to get out.
I now manage a cinema.
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
This reminds me of what my english teacher told me way back in the 70's.
Any thing written within "" inverted commas as we called them then, is written in the interest of the seller, and not the buyer.
It's a very English way of covering once arse. So folks if you see a advert in "", buyer " BEWARE ".
Any thing written within "" inverted commas as we called them then, is written in the interest of the seller, and not the buyer.
It's a very English way of covering once arse. So folks if you see a advert in "", buyer " BEWARE ".
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
I have to be fair here I was in the Sport offices last Monday and they all seemed like nice people there were rows and rows of desks with people working on them so the under staff thing is suspect, it looked liked any other national newspaper and I have been in quite a few.
Anyway they all look like punters even the sub editor went for a drink with us and got rat-arsed nice one he had his trousers doun in the pub and was trying to get into Violets tit's...she thinks he is a nice guy....
And as to the wages you meen they pay you I would have thought you paid them to work there.
I have come to the opinion this guy was the toilet cleaner,
Phil McC.
Anyway they all look like punters even the sub editor went for a drink with us and got rat-arsed nice one he had his trousers doun in the pub and was trying to get into Violets tit's...she thinks he is a nice guy....
And as to the wages you meen they pay you I would have thought you paid them to work there.
I have come to the opinion this guy was the toilet cleaner,
Phil McC.
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
It looks like theres loads of staff cos they have everyone in one room, but there's generally only about three journalists and the rest are subs, librarians, art, sports etc. Maybe things have changed over the years, but the fact remains they still try to rip their own readers off with crappy offers.
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
Your comments have the ring of authenticity. Maybe they should take things a little more seriously down at The Sport. Then it might gain a little more credibility in society as a whole, thereby futhering our common cause.
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
yes this is true - i wonder how many people have ordered from the ads, almost all of which are rip-offs, received nothing, lost their cash and turned their backs on the industry?
Re: BizarreSportRipoff2
Loads I expect. Maybe they should write to "Ann Robison" and "Watchdog!" I guess they never thought of that.