Re: Shit and damnation

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Bugs Bunny

Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Bugs Bunny »

Re: Shit and damnation
Author: Bugs Bunny
Date: 03-31-01 17:07

She is absolutely the most beautiful girl i have EVER laid eyes on. (present girlfriend included)

She's so beautiful that i now love everything that is British. Before i was just Brit-minded.

The disc included software to chat with her. Perhaps the magazine contained some personal facts of her. I'm realy interested to know where she's from, why she's in the industry etc. The magazine also contained a livesize poster of her!

Emagine this : i've even joined a porno-site. I stumbled upon that site through Xnetmag. I think they are partners or something like that. Anyway, the Xnetmag CD contained software to chat with the three featured girls. I thought if i became a member of i had an other chance to chat with Jenna. But alas. Only pics of her. Quite a lot though. I'm downloading them ALL. ( ripper.)

(i guess i realy should get a life ;-))

I also wanted to contact her personally, to ask her permission to put up a website. But there's obviously no info whatsoever on

Ned, thanks anyway for trying to help. If you can find anything i'll be forever in your debt.......



Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Ned »

I guess you've tried searching on Google? And the Xnet site?
Still no sign of the disc but I'll keep looking.
Bugs Bunny

Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Bugs Bunny »

Hello Ned,
Good to hear from you !

Yes. I've tried almost everything. The backissue is sold out at Xnet. Damn, i've even got Copernic 2001 pro. This proggie searches over 250 databases in 35 catecories. (Newsgroups-uk Web-uk Web-intern'l etc) I've tried and but all give the same results.
Do you know of any XXX search machines? Like warez and gamez.



Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Callipygea »

Have you tried a politely-worded request in Alt Fan TelevisionX? Over the past few months there have been lots of postings of Jenna pictures there. Somebody might know something about where she lives, and where she works. Personally, I haven't seen any sign of her at any of the usual UK studios.

Also, I wouldn't put too much hope of being able to speak to her based on a two year old CD program.

Must agree though, she looks all right.


joe king

Re: Shit and damnation

Post by joe king »

ebay ?
Bugs Bunny

Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Bugs Bunny »

Thanks for the post anyway Callipygea and Joe.
I hoped that the disk would point to a site which she might 'work' for. Anyway. I'll keep searching. (By now she could be married and had a baby for all i know ;-)

Btw Callipygea, what do you mean by "haven't seen any sign of her........"? Did you ever actualy see her? If so, you must be the 2nd luckiest man alive. (to my standards anyway ;-))
Please e-mail me if you can not elaborate on this forum.

Yes, She's very allright. I like her best on the photo's where she's not completly naked. (I've got no clothes fettish though.) She's just beautifull the way she is.

I'll quit the romantics now, otherwise sugar will start sipping of your screen.


I've registered some domain names at
To my amazement and two more like that where still free!
I also registered I might put-up a fanpage or something like that. Although i would like her permission first.
Maybe you guys can comeup with a/some good name(s) for yourself.
Take it while you can.
I like it better than buying a lottery ticket. One can never know......


Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Callipygea »

I tend to keep an eye on what models are listed at which studios, and I haven't seen her at any. If you want to maintain a watch yourself, these links should help:


Bugs Bunny

Re: Shit and damnation

Post by Bugs Bunny »

Tanks man. I will.

Should you come across her, could you drop me a line? That is, should you remember.

