Only rich kids get dads, NuLabours' Legacy

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Only rich kids get dads, NuLabours' Legacy

Post by zoomraker »

"The figures are stark and astonishing: because of the huge bias in favour of single parenthood that prevails in the tax credit system, a single mother with two children under the age of 11 who works 16 hours a week on the minimum wage, receives, largely thanks to tax credits, an income of ?487.

A two-parent family, on the other hand, also with two children under 11, in which either one or both partners works for the minimum wage, would have to put in a total of 116 hours a week to take home the same income."

"In effect, unmarried women with children are being bribed to remain single, while existing two-parent families are penalised." ... dl1402.xml

Aint NuLabour great

Why isn't Dave going for the jugular on this?
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Only rich kids get dads, NuLabours' Legacy

Post by planeterotica »

This goverment does encourage young girls to get pregnant because of the way it doshes the money out and the rest of us have to pay for it, now if i got a girl pregnant then i would feel it was my duty to support her and the kid but why should i help support other peoples kids when in a lot of cases neither parents have ever worked or payed anything into the system !annoyed!
