Natasha Vale Pics!!!  Sets with Adele, Nadia.

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Natasha Vale Pics!!!  Sets with Adele, Nadia.

Post by chris »

Greetings!!! Excellent forum! There is a Natasha Vale club with lots of great pics at Sets with Adele Stephens and with Nadia, and many other great pics. But I'm looking for MORE to post to the galleries.
I know Natasha Vale has done videos with Fiona Cooper as Lena A164, and a video with Adele Stephens put out by Men Only magazine called Babes Abroad. Any vidcaps or mpgs out there?
She has also done many photosets with Nadia, photographed by Steve Colby, for Paul Raymond Publication Club Magazine. Does anyone have any of these photosets? Or information about Steve Colby? Please email me with info! Or post sets to alt.televisionx!
She has also appeared on several websites:,, some h/c for and the various sites associated with it. Anybody got any photos? info? So I can complete our sets?
I have seen some dajer scans of Natasha. Does anybody have any info about these scans? Source? Galleries? Newsgroups?
Again, a great site... Thanks in advance for any help you can give!