Meanwhile in Scotland..

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Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by budgiebird »

Scottish Women Against Pornography have presented a petition to the Scottish Parliament calling on all pornography classed as "incitement to hatred against women" and to be treated in the same way as incitement to racial and religious hatred.

Following on from this, the Equal Opportunities Commission have taken it so seriously that they are arranging a summit in February, the findings of which will presumably be passed on to the Scottish Parliament.

Even more worrying is that the one "expert" to be announced as attending the summit so far is Ron Wyre who has gone on record as saying, "pornography creates a climate of thought and belief which influences attitudes towards women and children. Furthermore, the more men masturbate to pornographic fantasies, the more likely they are to put those fantasies into practice."

Further details are available in the Scottish Press at:


Jock Strap
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Re: Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by Jock Strap »

I by his logic the more I masturbate to the fantasy of having Sandie Caine and Faye Rampton at the same time the more likely it is to happen?
Excuse me........I have work to do.

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Re: Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by Raven »

There is always somebody who wants to tell us what we can and can't watch...or do
I wish these people would just get a life of their own...
Reading between the lines this needs to be watched because if the Equal Opportunities Commission has taken notice it could be taken seriously by the scottish parliment.
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Re: Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by mrchapel »

I think this thread shows that there`s not enough wife beaters here in Scotland.
I fucking hate a minority of pious, self righteous cunts who don`t have the brains to turn over or log off but think they can make decisions for the rest of us.

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by neoXaur »

".......the more men masturbate to pornographic fantasies, the more likely they are to put those fantasies into practice."

That's an astounding, uneducated and completely ignorant thing to say and the talk of a modern day Witchfinder General.
The more men masturbate to pornographic material the far LESS likely it is they will go further.

And what of women who, even in surveys for basic weekly consumer magazines etc, claim they masturbate regularly.
Assuming that this implies women do not view pornographic material to masturbate then does it mean that they use their imagination?
This is a more potent weapon than viewing pornography but women en mass don't go out and hurt people because of this.
If you have imagined something often but not actually seen it you are FAR more likely to re-enact it.

And what of the previous 2000 years before porn, legal or not?
Is sexually assaulting women just a thing of the last 70 or 80 years much the same way as murdering people only existed during the time of the 'video nasties' in the '80's?

There is more danger in giving a public platform to a Witchfinder than there ever will be with porn in this or any other country.
Sex crimes will have dropped since hardcore porn became legal in this country, allowing for population growth, because anyone no matter what legal taste can fulfill their fantasies on the net and often in the case of a fetish such as bondage actually become, for example, a 'slave' , yes a slave not a purputrator of menace, because they have made contact with people who have similar tastes and can enact these fantasies in the privacy of a group who share the same interests. When they leave they are back to reality and satisfied.

I really do despair at these people who have an axe to grind but for no reason other than their own personal attitudes towards sex.
My nearest sex shop has a daily clientele consisting of about 3/4 students or people in their early 20's in general who look around as if they were in Debenhams. I don't exaggerate.
I know this for a fact and don't just pluck a random figure based on an hour standing in the shop.

Burn Witchfinder burn
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Re: Meanwhile in Scotland..

Post by Deano! »

> Furthermore, the more men masturbate to pornographic fantasies,
> the more likely they are to put those fantasies into practice."

Well, I dont know about the rest here, but my fantasies always revolve around the woman absolutely gagging for it and getting off every bit as much as me. But I suppose 'Porn-Busters' inc. dont approve of that either.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH