One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

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algarve addick
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One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by algarve addick »

A frightening - and true - statistic.
Why is this?
The BBC today would have you believe that it's all down to 'adventurous spirits,' 'well-paid job opportunities,' and people wishing to be near absent family / friends.
It's because the UK is fucked, and the government seem unwilling and / or unable to do anything about it.
My opinion (for what it's worth) is that people are leaving in their droves because of escalating crime, unreasonable taxes and the general poor standard of living.
Von Boy
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Von Boy »

you are dead right.....and more concerning is that the better type of person is leaving the uk than is coming at a guess i would say that in a few generations the uk will be a very very different country than it would have been if we had had a better strong government from 1992 to today ...yes i blame john major as well as gordon brown....

the airline i work for has a swiss based application has been in for 18 months to transfer to it............once it happens i will move my family to there's 4 middle englanders be replaced by who ?????? i am sure its not going to be someone who pays the level of tax i pay !!!!!


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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Flat_Eric »

I've lived abroad for 20 years now, and have absolutely no desire whatsoever to return to the UK to live - for precisely the reasons that AA mentions above.

Officer Dibble
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Officer Dibble »

"The BBC today would have you believe that it's all down to 'adventurous spirits,' 'well-paid job opportunities,' and people wishing to be near absent family / friends. BOLLOCKS."

My sentiments exactly. What a set a cunts those earnest, Guardian reading, BBC people are - putting a spin on the truth, giving it a coat of varnish. We all know why, though, don't we'? People are leaving because of them, and their poncy PC pals in the public sector and government. More specifically because they are indulging the scum-bags and wasters in our society (in fact they're giving them the money they have taken off you righteous taxpayers). And, if that wasn't enough, they are inviting new scroungers and wasters from the third world to make the numbers up and partake of our excellent social security handouts and free accommodation. Yes, come one come all, Joe 'Sucker' Public will foot the bill. And hey, don't worry about it being an overcrowded island, we've still got plenty of space. There are still one or two gardens and green fields left that haven't got a new high-rise Barrett apartment block on them. And if any of those pesky taxpaying indigenous natives complains or descents they can now be (and have been!) dragged off by the thought police for voicing their up-PC concerns - yes, just like they do in China, North Korea, Iran and Pinochet's Chile.

Things will only get worse while the government, Civil Service, and public sector are being run by psychotic, PC spouting, nutmegs.

Officer Dibble

Officer Dibble
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Officer Dibble »

"you are dead right.....and more concerning is that the better type of person is leaving the uk than is coming here"

Well observed, Von Boy. It's true that the people who are leaving are the brightest and most capable - those who have been bright and capable enough to get the requisite wad together. This is a total disaster. These intelligent, self motivating, 'go for it' people are our most valuable asset. We can't afford to lose them. On the other hand there are vast swathes of dim-witted wasters and scroungers in British society who are not contributing anything to the country's well being - in fact, they are doing nothing but make life for their fellow citizens a misery, while being paid to do so by the freaking government! What's wrong with this picture? Wouldn't it be a groovy plan to export these Social security addicts to the Sahara desert? We'd save a packet and life would be so much better - more tranquil, less ugly, less crowed.

Officer Dibble

Officer Dibble
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Officer Dibble »

"my application has been in for 18 months to transfer to it............once it happens i will move my family to there's 4 middle englanders be replaced by who ??????"

Probably some Social Security claiming bad-brain who might well have a cultural propensity to knife folk in the street.

Officer Dibble

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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by Dave »

Here Here

I totally agree algarve i left Uk in August and moved to Denmark with my family also coz my stepson is part danish part american and the lifestyle is better here than of Uk United Kingdom has gone to the dogs.
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by thecocker »

I agree with all of the above. I'm just biding my time and I'm gone.

I don't think people would mind paying the higher taxes if we could see something for it but what exactly are we seeing???
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Re: One in 10 Brits now living abroad...

Post by neoXaur »

So 9 out of 10 are living here?