Most embarrassing TV moments

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Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by dave78 »

I've fucking seen it all now! Major James Hewitt doing consecutive renditions of Robbie Williams and Michael Jackson on Celebrity X Factor. What an absolute tool! I nearly died of embarrassment. At least they've booted the fucker off. They make a good pair he and his ugly, hooked-nosed, latino-wannabe, pig-wanking, filthy vermin of a munter!

"I've met the man in the street, and he's a cunt." Sid Vicious
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by fudgeflaps »

dave78: tells it like it is.

The only reason those two made the show was for the acrimony between each individual and Sharon Osbourne.

Os, being friendly with both Di and the Becks, is bound to be wound up by two individuals who have screwed over the aforementioned for their own personal gain. Pairing such an unlikely duo makes no sense for singing purposes: but to anatagonise Sharon, I feel the producers of the show have paired them solely for this reason.

End result (despite the fact I don't watch the damned show)??? Bad blood, negative chemistry = good telly = higher ratings = more cash. This also supports why they actually lasted this long! As you are all too aware, they should have been booted off show 1.

Pair of utter a**eh*les.

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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by dave78 »

It's true. I made the Beckham-Osbourne link having seen that Sharon was at Beck's big bash the other night. She was obviously gonna go for Rebecca Loos' jugular. Glad she did! I can't stand her. Hewitt's the biggest muppet of all though.

"I've met the man in the street, and he's a cunt." Sid Vicious
Von Boy
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by Von Boy »

Can anyone tell me what Sharon osborne is for in this world ????

Anyone can slag off others but i think they should have experience to back up their comments... the two other judges are self made, successful men in the music industry........but her ???????????????

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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by steve56 »

shes bluffed her way through if you ask me,her daddy was in the music buisness i read a while ago.
sky blue alzer
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by sky blue alzer »

Don Arden - Sharon's dad - was a manager back in the 60's and 70's for bands like ELO and Black Sabbath......supposedly a bit of a bad bastard as well, not scared to use a bit of agro to get a deal. Does anyone else get embarrassed when they see Ozzy bumbling about like some vegetable?
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by steve56 »

thats him,sky blue alzer wrote:

> Don Arden - Sharon's dad - was a manager back in the 60's and
> 70's for bands like ELO and Black Sabbath......supposedly a bit
> of a bad bastard as well, not scared to use a bit of agro to
> get a deal. Does anyone else get embarrassed when they see
> Ozzy bumbling about like some vegetable?
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by Dorrin »

Cannot stand the woman, another "celebrity" famous by association, hasn't done bugger all to earn it. Spent a fortune on plastic surgery (her husbands fortune) and still looks pig ugly, and as for that God awfull braying voice! Ossie is a shambling wreck who gets a lot of airtime because he's abused his body with drink & drugs which for some reason makes him a good guy?
That bloody ugly, fat, talentless daughter needs a good kicking, and that reformed druggie son needs to be kept off the TV. Seems the only normal member is the daughter who refused to take part in their fly on the wall show, she must have been adopted.
Bloody awfull family who hopefully will soon sink back into oblivion.
As for the original message, didn't watch the show but don't demonise the likes of Hewitt who I'm sure could have told a lot more about Di if he wanted to and I think has been quite restrained. Plus would a lot sooner fuck Loos than ugly Shaz.
Von Boy
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by Von Boy »

I totally agree with all your comments Dorrin................BUT
I think the Osbornes will have the last laugh on ALL of us...........due to the large amounts of cash thats been paid to them over the last few years


(ASDA saw the light and booted Shaz off............shame its taking the UK longer to come to the same point!)


Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Most embarrassing TV moments

Post by mrchapel »

Because yeah being married to fucking Ozzy makes her a huge expert on music. That and her salad dodging daughters musical talents really show that she knows as much about music as Stevie Wonder knows about painting. See what fucking happens when cousins marry?
Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde