Ripped Off!!!

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Ripped Off!!!

Post by Impish »

Hi All, bought some dvd's from a guy who posted on here. Only I havent recieved them yet. I paid straight away through paypal.
Just wandered if it has happened to anyone else who visits.
Its 3 weeks nearly and is not replying to mail.
I cant remember his name here but email is 'the_wicker_man'.
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by Flat_Eric »

Always a risk buying from people on here (or any other forum for that matter). That's not to say that everyone here is dishonest - far from it, I'm sure that 99% of us are all fine upstanding citizens.

But you're always going to get the occasional "bad apple" in any barrel and it looks like you could've picked it out, mate.

However, AFAIK you are covered by PayPal for (I think) anything over 15 quid (so if you paid say 25 quid, you should at least get a tenner refunded by PayPal). I got money back off them once after something I'd bought off eBay and paid for via PayPal never arrived (and the seller had apparently got beamed up by extraterrestrials).

A word of warning however: DON'T let on to PayPal that they were porn DVDs (which I assume they were) as PayPal are a bit prudish, pompous and self-righteous about that: If they know you're a porn peddler, they ban you (so presumably by the same token, if you're a porn buyer, they'll not rush to help you either).

Anyway good luck - you never know, there may be even a perfectly good legitimate reason why his bloke hasn't been in touch. But if I were you, I'd look into getting a partial refund from PayPal.

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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by planeterotica »

Make sure you dont have any money in your paypal account before you make a complaint becaause if they get a whiff of porn they will close your account and withold any money thats in there!sad!

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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by thecocker »

I think it's the same guy who saw me off before. Luckily in my case it didn't involve any money. If it's the same guy, he wanted some videos that I had and we were going to do a swap with some of his that I was interested in. I sent him 3 top quality copies of the ones I had and all I got in return was a poor quality copy of one of his. He did reply to my mails when I was asked him about the other vids but he just kept coming up with excuses.

Never bothered with him after that.
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by rrankin »

Bar stewards!
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by steve56 »

ive had no problems whatsoever with buying from posters on here.
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by NOBBY »

Hi All,

Yeah i have been ripped off aswell, by someone who posts/posted here.

All i can is "learn the lesson" do not trade or buy from anyone who looks dodgy or you get a gut feeling about...

IMHO these types will not last long on any forum before they are found out.

Sorry i cannot be any more helpfull than that.


As the great scholar say's "Anybody who said they are a Brain Surgeon are really a Taxi Driver?"
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by biffalo »

Hi Impish,

I had exactly the same problem with the same guy about 2 months ago. I sent off money via Paypal and never received the films. I assumed that they had been 'lost in the post'
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by rrankin »

It's a sad world that there are so many crooks around, and that's what these type of people are.

I'll never understand why people bother. You would be risking the long arm of the law, a visit from some upset clients with baseball bats, or eternal damnation in hell.

If you are going to be a criminal at least make it worthwhile - go for something bigger than a few quid in DVDs, or become a politican.
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Re: Ripped Off!!!

Post by thecocker »

I'll be the first to admit I have dealt with a lot of people on these forums. In fact most of my DVDs have come from boys from here. It's just been that guy. I believe he goes by the name pussyeater or something like that.