GPs pay - the highest in Europe

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Von Boy
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GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by Von Boy »

What your views on the average Gp now earning ?100,000 and the top GPs earning ?250,000.

Please note that these are not the consultants who do the operations and the nurses who look after you.....................

Most of what these guys do is writing sick notes and prescriptions !!! (Not my words, words from a caller on 5 Live this morning)

i can never get to see my GP !!!!!

no wonder the NHS is over budget....................heres to higher taxes !!!!!


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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by eroticartist »

Hi Von Boy,

Gps are part of the consumer system who mainly give no remedial advice but are agents for the drug companies who earn billions.

If I was you I would start diagnosing and teating myself with herbal remedies.!cool! and they really work too in conjunction with treatment like diet and exercise.

I have not been to hostital for over fifty years. Basically treat disease yourself and rely on the doctors to repair your body if you damage it in an accident.
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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by dave78 »

yeah cos i'm sure homeopathy is really gonna work for you if you're riddled with cancer!

"I've met the man in the street, and he's a cunt." Sid Vicious
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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by Cenobitez »

Rather than moaning about it, how about you spent nigh on a decade of education living on the bread line, and learning all the time, Wouldnt you want that kind of pay ?

I know a computer programmer who works for google, he spent 6 yrs in college/uni, and has been programming since 1999 as a hobby etc etc, and now clears just under HALF A MILLION!

Another guy i know works for Canon UK in the photographic department, and he is paid ?60 per hour

If you have a skill, you WILL be paid for it, Hell even Plumbers average ?50,000, Canon UK Photographic Engineer, ?60 an hour so ?120,000 a year, My old manager in a night club, earned ?75k a year, and was bought an Audi TT Quattro + Bonuses.

Lots of high paying jobs out there.

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Dr. v Footballer.


So what if a GP earns ?100k a year.

Nearly all premiership footballers will be paid ( you note I did not state 'earn') that a MONTH... and what bloody good do they do? They certainly are a case where income exceeds brain cells.

How may human 'rights' lawyers.... like... say Cherie Blair.... get paid that.

No complaints about them. So why moan about the GP.

Porn crackers
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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by Porn crackers »

Dam I was just going to say.... but Cynical Sid beat me to it.

Anyhow I much rather see my GP "earning" ?100K pa. than people like the W.R. in football being "payed" that much a week.......

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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by buttmovies »

Never mind what a GP earns, what about the porn industry?

You guys must be on a flipping fortune and half of what you produce is crap anyway.


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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by slamdaddy »

Cenobitez, if your plumber is on ?50,000 pa then he must have seen you coming a mile off. My dad was a plumber until a couple of years back and I'm quite sure he didn't earn that much, and he was the one signing the cheques too.

The national mean average wage for 2005 was ?23,400 pa, and the median was just ?18,961(source ... le1_7a.xls). This would tend to show that a majority of people earn less than the mean average amount. Having some doctors, who are paid for by our taxes, averaging more than 4 times the national average wage is pretty bad. I always thought ?50,000 pa was a fair figure for a gp. ?250,000 pa is just plain excessive.

Don't even get me started on footballers. Vastly overpaid and on the whole useless members of society, just like polititions and royals. Footballers only work about 10 hours per week, and that's if you include their training time. Rio Ferdinand is on about ?110,000 for spending those 10 hours spent dicking around with a ball, most of which time he's probably not even taking it seriously. I've seen his team concede because he's gone to clear the ball and kicked thin air, and he'll still go home with his money every week no matter how poor his performance is. I've ranted about footballers long enough for a thread about doctors wages, so I'll leave it there for now.
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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by Cenobitez »

I dont pay for my plumbing, I do lots of favours for lots of people, and like Karma, Favours come back :)

The plumber i was on about is a 24 hour emergency plumber and can earn anything upto ?500 a day, and works 7 days a week 24 hours a day on call. Even 250 per day, x 5 day week, hits thre 50k mark.

A criminal solicitor charges ?137 per hour for a junior partner to deal with a case, and ?217 for a senior partner, and not sure about the barristers yet, and they get 'double time' for unsociable hours, so if they work 7 hours a day, they eclipse a doctor with ease near 2 fold.

Now No fucker complains about a criminal solicitor being paid that for some fucking asshole who just battered and beat an 80 yr old pensioner half to death to steal her pension to buy drugs, nooo that would be politically incorrect.

Stop looking at the doctors who are actually helping, and look at the rest.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
Eug Coxxx
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Re: GPs pay - the highest in Europe

Post by Eug Coxxx »

I certainly agree with Cenobitez comments.

GPs have long been underpaid & overworked. The change from "The Red Book" to the New GP Contract still doesn't reduce work load, but at least compensates for a GPs time & work.

With regards to GPs just dishing out 'sick notes & prescriptions', it is the NHS Healthcare & more specifically regular "(ab)users" of this system who try to abuse it. No healthcare system is ever perfect but then if you compare the NHS to "Medicare" in Australia (same as NI contribution), Medicare incorporates a "user pays" system with a minimum fee every time a patient wants to consult a GP, & the cost for prescriptions is double the cost in UK (in comparison to overall Australian cost of living being 1/3 that of UK), I think that people in the UK have a pretty good deal.

So just think on when you next consult your GP .........