Does anyone know where to get the hard versions of omar's vidoes, sofar i have seen 2 vid's (canal sex capers and another one) and they both are pretty tame efforts.I know there must be hardcore version's out there but i cant seem to find them.
thanks in advance for any help.
where can i get omar videos/pics (as seen on tvx)
Re: where can i get omar videos/pics (as seen on t lot of R18 videos have been passed with omar williams, check a licensed sex shop(london)?
Re: where can i get omar videos/pics (as seen on t
Also NCV and Oscar One, among other places, but nearly all except Your Choice versions will have German overdub.
Re: where can i get omar videos/pics (as seen on t
Your Scene have a reasonable selection of Big Willy tapes. They tend to offer them as double features but still only charge ?25. Some have German overdubbing.
Re: where can i get omar videos/pics (as seen on t
Omar,s magazine and video CD's come out at Erotica show then available afterwards everywhere. Seen all the artwork they are top class.Phil