Reply to recent postings...

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Reply to recent postings...

Post by IV »

..IV does not care for your arguments.


Please Note:- As soon as the Governments OFCOM department comes into power and brings the NET in line with UK broadcasting standards, we will be coming down hard on UK servers hosting pornographic images....of any nature deemed to infringe 'taste & decency'!




Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by joey »

> Please Note:- As soon as the Governments OFCOM department comes
> into power and brings the NET in line with UK broadcasting
> standards, we will be coming down hard on UK servers hosting
> pornographic images....of any nature deemed to infringe 'taste
> & decency'!

It's more likely that broadcast standards will tend towards those operating on the net, in my view. Otherwise, it's just a tiny
loss for the UK hosting market, and a tiny gain for the rest
of the world. Let's face it, enforcing the puritan standards of terrestrial broadcasting on the uk hosting market would cause only minimal inconvenience to the adult web.

My advice, IV, is to find a small island with no telecoms, and move there. Otherwise, you are NOT going to like the next decade!

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by joey »

BTW, what organisation does the skull image you are attempting to load into your post belong to? Are you on the "right" politically? Right wing political groupings with skull symbols can have some pretty distasteful associations, you know.

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by alec »

joey wrote:
> BTW, what organisation does the skull image you are
> attempting to load into your post belong to? Are you on the
> "right" politically? Right wing political groupings with
> skull symbols can have some pretty distasteful associations,
> you know.
as already noted.

Regardless of the views intended to be promoted, IV is in effect a troll and these are best ignored.

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by joey »

> Regardless of the views intended to be promoted, IV is in
> effect a troll and these are best ignored.

Well, hm. Trolls are a strictly net phenomenon, but IV has aspirations to Real Life behaviour. Like a hostage situation, I think we should keep the channels of communication open. While he's talking to us, we can still influence him. :-)

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by alec »

I didn't mean he was only a troll, but as far as his postings (and those of gradgrind if that is someone different) are concerned, they bear all the characteristics of trollish behaviour. I could have deleted his post, but I didn't; so channels of communciation are open. I know you meant the bit about influencing his opinions in jest.

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by Matt »

I find IV depressing on a board liek this. He's flaming, and off topic. I think you should delete his posts...

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by PaulE »

Keep lines of communication open.

The worst thing you can do with that sort is to push them underground. Let he/she/it make a fool of themself in the public glare - show themself up for the nasty, narrow-minded, little bigot they are.

Funny how many of those who rant on so much about 'freedom of speech' actually mean "you can say what you like, as long as I approve of it".

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by levo »

one way twi stop iv is stop reading his posts and what is he doing on here if he is anti porn anyway piss off iv
Phil McC

Re: Reply to recent postings...

Post by Phil McC »

I think we should shag him but thats only my pornographic mind which has obviously been poisoned by watching to much filth,

Phil McC