Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

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Holden MacGroyn
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Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Team America does it again.


Why the fuck is it that a nation of fucking retarded slack jawed cunts get away with murder and then have the fucking audacity to say that other nations are primitive.

Fucking fat leary, burger munching cunts.

"CIA Avoids Scrutiny of Detainee Treatment
Afghan's Death Took Two Years to Come to Light; Agency Says Abuse Claims Are Probed Fully

By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 3, 2005; Page A01

In November 2002, a newly minted CIA case officer in charge of a secret prison just north of Kabul allegedly ordered guards to strip naked an uncooperative young Afghan detainee, chain him to the concrete floor and leave him there overnight without blankets, according to four U.S. government officials aware of the case.

The Afghan guards -- paid by the CIA and working under CIA supervision in an abandoned warehouse code-named the Salt Pit -- dragged their captive around on the concrete floor, bruising and scraping his skin, before putting him in his cell, two of the officials said.

As night fell, so, predictably, did the temperature.

By morning, the Afghan man had frozen to death. ............................"

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

ghostdog wrote:

> They shoot hostages don't they?????

Only after they've ritualistically tortured and abused them and then claimed that they weren't given any training in the art of prisoner of war holding.

Funny how they claim to be liberators for freedom and justice.

Tell that to the thousands of innocent Afghans who got right royally fucked up the arse without so much as a lube.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by diplodocus »

and don't forget the people (including British citizens) who have been kidnapped by the 'special removal squad' and delivered to torture using regimes (Egypt/Syria etc) in order to get info that is then used in the US and the UK, cunts, doesn't it make you proud

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
Officer Dibble
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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Officer Dibble »

"and don't forget the people (including British citizens) who have been kidnapped by the 'special removal squad' and delivered to torture using regimes (Egypt/Syria etc) in order to get info that is then used in the US and the UK"

What, you mean info that could conceivably be to do with an impending terrorist jape - like a huge bomb under the stand on Cup Final day, or a massive release of Anthrax spores in the Metro Centre at Crimbo? Or what about a Stinger missile attack on a packed 747 out of Heathrow? Naturally, if the Yanks did come to us with tidings of imminent Armageddon, that they had come by in an unethical fashion, we would of course do the decent thing and put our fingers in our ears while whistling a cheerful tune, NOT.

Hey, lets just stop, get real, and try not to talk a load of ball-bag here. If it came to pass that a friend or relation?s life was in imminent danger and you could neutralise the threat by kicking the shit out of a loony, scumbag, religious extremist sociopath, would you take the necessary steps, or would you come over all poncy 'n' middleclass and try to appeal to his better nature?

Officer Dibble - living in the real world
Holden MacGroyn
Posts: 2427
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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Officer Dibble wrote:

> If it came to pass that a friend or relation?s
> life was in imminent danger and you could neutralise the threat
> by kicking the shit out of a loony, scumbag, religious
> extremist sociopath, would you take the necessary steps

Of course, but alas, Dubya is way too gaurded.

Holden MacGroyn living in the really real world.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Illinoisblue »

You let yourself down there, Holden.

Your post was titled Why You Hate the US Govt yet you quickly slander an entire nation of people with abuse ( "a nation of fucking retarded slack jawed cunts" ).

Tsk tsk.

If you'd left out the lazy abuse I might have bothered to click the link and see what it was you were getting in a tizz about.
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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by mart »

Well, who voted the fucking idiot back again.

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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by mart »

Typical response from the Dribbler.

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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Post by Spook »

"Hey, lets just stop, get real, and try not to talk a load of ball-bag here. If it came to pass that a friend or relation?s life was in imminent danger and you could neutralise the threat by kicking the shit out of a loony, scumbag, religious extremist sociopath, would you take the necessary steps, or would you come over all poncy 'n' middleclass and try to appeal to his better nature?

Officer Dibble - living in the real world"

This isn't even close to living in the real world.

You are firstly assuming that all people who are tortured are all, without exception, dangerous criminals and that their torture is the only possible way to prevent an imminent terrorist attack.

You are assuming that torture is not a completely pointless way of gathering "evidence" - a couple of hours in the right conditions and Officer Dibble would be pleading with the interrogators to believe that he was responsible for 9/11 and the Bali bombings and would have just shopped all his friends and family with made up tales of terrorist atrocities that they were just about to commit.

You are assuming that torture is not the very sort of behaviour that acts as a recruiting officer for terrorist organisations.

Officer Dibble - proudly claiming not to neither poncy nor middle-class, but showing himself in just one short paragraph to to be amoral, gullible and obtuse - the perfect fodder for an authoritarian government.