Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
joe king

Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joe king »

I contacted EuroNet Website Support , joey had obtained an email address of the owner? I tested it and found it bounced. The email from euronet said
'Unfortuniatly we cannot help you with this problem. Our status as a ISP
doens't allows us to help you with problems you have concerning
transactions on websites. You'll have to try and contact the person or
company who ownes the website. Therefore, in general, people are advised
not to buy anything on websites of which they do not know the owner. I'm
sorry we can't do anything for you'

Who owns this website (and how can I find out?)

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by webmaster »

registered to
OCM Po Box 71, Amstelveen, NH, 1180AB. NL

Billing Contact

Tech contact

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joey » (the apparent hosting company) seems to be based in california. Full contact details:

Huntington, Stephen (GA1717) tech@JANEY.NET
Janey's Web Service -DNS Services
8780 19th Street
Suite 345
Alta Loma, CA 91701
[tel:] 909-476-8000

The details given for the billing contact of the domain:

Administrative Contact, Billing Contact:
Oort, Rogier ten (RTO11) mfvc@EURONET.NL
Spurt Online
Pobox 1960
Amsterdam, NH 1000 BZ
[tel:] +31 20 6530828 (FAX) +31 20 6530411

So Euronet is just the ISP where the registrant has an email address. It doesn't follow that they host the website (or have anything to do with it.. (indeed you can even supply a hotmail address as a billing contact email address.)

Digging further shows that the block of IP addresses in which is situated belongs to "Fiber Network Solutions" with details as follows:

Fiber Network Solutions, Inc. (NETBLK-NETBLK-FIBERNET-CBLK3)
6800 Lauffer Road
Columbus, OH 43231

Netblock: -
Maintainer: FNSI

Fiber Network Solutions, Inc. (IF29-ARIN)
[tel:] (614) 895-6621

So it may be worth:

ringing the number given for "Rogier ten Oort"
emailing and ringing
emailing and ringing

I'm not sure whether fnsi would regard fraud by one of their customers' customers as actionable by them.

But, as both they and are apparently based in the states, perhaps if you mention your intention to open a full discussion about the site with the FTC and FBI, etc, they will prove responsive...:-)

Given that people are buying on credit cards and not getting what they paid for, won't the credit card company come to see vidshop as a bad risk if enough people complain? Are vidshop just relying on the embarassment factor to keep them in good standing with their credit handlers?
joe king

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joe king »

Thanks joey. I had previously emailed mfvc@EURONET.NL which seemed to be wrong.

I have just emailed and

The customer service number on the site seemed to have a full voice mail (and no success)
The next step if no resonable action is effected is to discuss this in the erotica newsnet forum
and then the FTC and then the FBI (what?!!)

I usually send checks.

Thanks again.
joe king

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joe king »

is it me or is everything bouncing? I tried
and it seems to be wrong.
joe king

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joe king »

Live, as it happens, would you believe it?
I got something from
(this looks like and error - they sent me an email about what they should do)

to , , ,
subject FW: vidshop problems
memo Hi All,

Can someone please contact this person about their orders?

'email ends

Interesting ?
joe king

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joe king »

seems like some one might be looking at my order.
They are on So it takes someone from
to initiate an investigation?
The Insider

Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by The Insider »

I know who owns the site (but don't ask) and I'm not supprised you're having problems - though I didn't catch exactly what the problem was. But hey, if it's just a matter of a few quid, or few dollars, as I supect, then I would suggest chilling out and getting things into propotion. I don't think the CIA or FBI are really going to be enthused to mobilise just because you have been stiffed for the princely sum of $25.99, or whatever. I mean, let's get real. We wouldn't want our transatlantic chums to think we were small timers, or worse, train spotters, would we?

Realisticly there is not much you can do exept complain to your credit card company (that should work) and don't make any further purchases from that particular source.


Re: Vidshop Problems- who is the owner?

Post by joey »

Looks like they bcc'd you a copy of the email they sent to those addresses:, vidshopadmin@euronet.nland So we can assume that those are the contact addresses that (providing the server space) has for the vidshop owners. It may be that also provide the credit processing, or arrange the deal with the credit handlers.

The "canamax" address is particularly interesting. There is a site at also offering online purchase of brit vids, though a different catalogue than the vidshop one. The IP address of is the same as that of, indicating it's run on the same computer - hence the same hosting company

bgafd mentions canamax only as a producer - they don't appear in the suppliers list. I see Phil McC has directed for them ( Dreams of Pamela ) ...

So has anyone ever ordered from ?

Regards the comment made by "insider" below - I wasn't suggesting actually contacting the FBI - just that mentioning the initials sometimes elicits a more rapid resonse when dealing with recalcitrant American ISPs :-)

I do think that ordering via a credit card, if that's an option, would provide more security for the buyer in this sort of situation. Consistent failure to honour cc transactions is definitely prosecutable in the US, overseas customers or not.

Of course, as Alec points out, the problem may well be the result of a drastic systems failure of some kind in the vidshop organisation, rather than deliberate fraud... except our "insider" suggests otherwise. Perhaps he could say (generally) the sort of reason he has for believing the 25 quid is a lost cause?

One other thing about canamax

Post by joey »

Interesting read at about their "brochure designer" having brushes with the law..