Gorgina Baille sex video

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Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by friendlyguy »

Just received an email from Simply Porn advertising Gorgina Baille sex video. Given the disgusting comments made by those concerned this seems to be a rotten example of exploiting a very unsavoury episode in a very unsavoury manner. Exploitation or what? Not impressed.
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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by planeterotica »

Do you mean this well she is exploiting it for all it is worth by selling her story to the Sun !wink!

joe king
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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by joe king »

~~~~~joe king~~~~~
Free pics and movie links of British porn stars
Latest British porn links: [b][url]http://british-uk-porn.com/blog/[/url][/b]
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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by marcusallen »

Yet another little slag joining the "kiss & sell" brigade
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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by planeterotica »

marcusallen wrote:

> Yet another little slag joining the "kiss & sell" brigade

planeterotica wrote:

I agree Marcus but that is no reason to involve her Grandfather, and once the dust settles i expect they will all gain from it and they are probably all now pissing themselves laughing !wink!

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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by marcusallen »

Graham, I make no comment on the original fuck-up except to say that most "celebrities" have absolutely no idea where to draw the line. The public are daft enough to accord them this wierd (to me) status and the prats then believe all their own publicity.
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Re: Gorgina Baille sex video

Post by planeterotica »

marcusallen wrote:

> Graham, I make no comment on the original fuck-up except to say
> that most "celebrities" have absolutely no idea where to draw
> the line. The public are daft enough to accord them this wierd
> (to me) status and the prats then believe all their own
> publicity.

planeterotica wrote:

Marcus, believe me im not sure but my thoughts are that Rossy and Brand started this to enhance this girls career and it all went a bit to far, there will be no losers apart from the women who lost her job from the BBC and she was always going to be the scapegoat !sad!

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