The video 'Pralle Euter ... Straume Schwanz' which features both Nikki Platts and Dawn Phoenix was, and maybe still is, available from Danskfoto at, video number 857
Nikki: DP and Anal
Dawn: Anal and fist
Casting is by Kirsten Casting of London (sounds like Kirsten Halborg) so there are probably other Brits in there which I haven't yet identified.
Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED
Re: Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED
I have got some of her stuff If your intrested in some swaps or something just get back to me.
Its to know theres another admirer of her out there!
Its to know theres another admirer of her out there!
Re: Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED
The Janet Tennant-Smythe refered to as "office manager" and (pictured too)at Danskfoto at is none other than...Kirsten Halborg! Small world...
Nikki Platts Pics / Vids WANTED
Does anyone out there have any Nikki Platts Videos or URL's where I can find pics.
In anticipation