Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Heathray »

I notice some channels are running shy of Ofcom new regs. TVX is again blurring even the slightest sign of an erection and doesn't show close ups like TAC, PBTV etc. Pathetic. They are promoting a new live show but it will be before watershed so new beavers out etc............!

Now xplicit are showing ultra soft puerile Mucky Malcolm vids, dear god they wouldn't offend a WI meeting.

Also Livexxx's 1130pm show is now much tamer, less girls, no penetration on view and shocking camera work.

I can see these channels going bust, no pun intended, if they don't give the punters some quality entertainment.
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by P-Nix »

I don't think they'll go bust.

Like all pornography, it's not about the content, it's about how you package the content, show them a bit of "tits and arse" during the freeview, have some z-list celeb talk to the camera in her undies about how they can show you much much more when you subscribe and some lonely bloke who doesn't know better is signing up for six months.

Who cares if he doesn't renew his subscription, there will be another one along in a minute.

Look at how David Sullivan sells his rags, it's all promise and no delivery.

99% of porn is a disappointment.
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Jayr »

Plus its all down to the new TV regulations that have been laid down by OFCON I mean OFCOM. The new regs means that all the porn channels have now gone backwards in what they can and can't show.
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Marino »

Guys It is a really uncertain time for the adult industry. Many producers and T.V stations are worried for their futres.
I know many fans think you shoot a film and make a fortune, believe me this is no get rich quick industry. Of course their are the odd exeptions but, that is the case in many industries.
The law changes in the U.S has rocked the adult industry world wide.
From personal experience the adult broadcasters would have loved hardcore to go legal, some of them have been loosing substantial amounts of money since the internet boom.
I know this will please some, but when the larger companies start feeling the pinch, there is always a knock on effect further down the ladder.

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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by mk13 »

So what's stopping them going to court?

The new regs are appallingly in favour of Mr R Murdoch's SKY, whom will from the 25th July will be able to broadcast 18 certificated ultra violent films 24/7 protected by a PIN.
The very same PIN is considered insecure for R18 material apparently... go figure.

TVWF Directive Article 22 states:

(i)Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that television broadcasts by broadcasters under their jurisdiction do not include programmes which might seriously impair the physical, mental or moral development of minors, in particular those that involve pornography or gratuitous violence.

So does Ofcom consider that gratuitous violence stipulated in the TWF suitably protected by a PIN 24/7 but pornography isn't? There is on distinction made that either is more suitable why is this piece of legislation being ignored, also why do our European partners consider HC as an acceptable form of entertainment for adults and conforms to the TWF directive, but our regulators and Government do not surely euro would have real evidence of harm?

Our regulators are Christian bigots whom prohibit material without any real evidence thus it is their opinions alone that excludes consensual HC for adults from being broadcast.

Real evidence that porn is beneficial to society has been released by the LSE report why is Ofcom ignoring this?

It that not enough reasons for the adult service community to get off their ass and take Ofcom to court because it will not be long before IPTV and HC via the internet will be a reality, and it will be too late to whinge about lack of customers?

I personally will never subscribe to any of the heavily censored adult services in the UK and their is growing number of people that share my view. So wake up AS you are actively alienating the very people (market) you rely on for survival!

Mr R murdoch wins again.
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Heathray »

Good to hear some inside info from Marino. Can you confirm how much editorial control the likes of TVX have over your products. As your Road Trips are pure HC how much effort goes into editing them to pieces?

I have noticed Playboy and Spice stuff getting a bit more explicit again, a re-run of a Viv Thomas show last night showed uncut, if briefs secnes of fellatio and women wanking men, not normally seen on UK channels.
Paul Tavener
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Paul Tavener »

It's just a matter of time before the wheels come off the regulatory bus. With the current increases in broadband speed the existing regulations will start to be overrun within the next three years and AS broadcasters will be some of the first casualties unless they take some form of action now.

If the Government or Ofcom think they have the situation under control then they are sadly mistaken. I believe that the new Ofcom broadcasting code will be the last successful attempt to restrict hardcore content. In a couple of years they will have lost control.

contact [email]admin@ofwatch.org.uk[/email]
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by nachovx »

Anyone who watches sky gets what they deserve ... RIPPED OFF.

Either, watch euro satellite TV if you can OR watch nothing and save your money, because paying money to UK based channels is just like throwing it away in the street.

I would watch nothing if I couldn't watch hardcore .. and I certainly wouldn't pay money in the hope it gets better or to keep the produvtion side of the business ticking over by cross subsidy.
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Caligula »

Remember that the adult service industry actually replied AGAINST R18 being allowed on British TV during the Ofcom consultation. They did this because of fears DVD sales would slump.

By the same token the adult service industry is actively campaigning to allow R18 DVDs to be on sale at "18", in order that they can be sold in the high street and mail order.

I'm sorry to say that this shows that they do not look at what is legally right, but rather just what suits their profitability. If they had looked after adult consumer interests they would not have replied in the negative to allowing R18 on British TV.

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Xplicit, 995 and TVX go soft

Post by Marino »

In answer to your question, we shoot with three camers whenever possible, if not two camera, one of which captures the footage for TVX and the other for the XXX and then we reshoot bits that we feel need better coverage. I generally shoot around 10 -13 hrs of footage. This way I cover my angles for all edits.

And Mr mk13 for me it is money, time, and also I am a thick cunt. I am sure there are many producers from even before my time that have fought many battles in the courts. Sometimes just keeping up with schedules editing and selling, there is just no time or energy to keep on fighting everything.

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