UK Porn Industry.

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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UK Porn Industry.

Post by Jayr »

I don't know if this should be off topic but here goes:
With (I hope) R18 finally being allowed on the Adult Pay Channels (Playboy, TAC, Spice, TVX et all) in June, will this have a positive effect on our little porn industry? People may not agree with me on this but I always think our UK porn industry still has the sense of "Benny Hill" about it but only because of the way it is currently censored.
Once the ban has been lifted there which way will our industry go? I see the following:
1) With no reason for film makers to make two versions of each film, the costs can go into a better, quality product to try and compete with our European & US cousins.
2) Film makers will make more porn for less money and the quality can only get worse.

I'd be interested in what everyone (especially those in the industry) think!
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Re: UK Porn Industry.

Post by tas »

As many have stated before it is highly unlikely that R18 will be allowed on UK sat. TV, if that was to happen why would 2 versions be needed because at the moment if a company is producing for tv and DVD then they shoot a hardcore and soft version, if hardcore were allowed on tv theree would be no real need for the soft version.

one eyed jack
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Re: UK Porn Industry.

Post by one eyed jack »

Another reason for the soft versions is that they are legally allowed to be sold by mail order under the 18 certificate category, meaning there is more outlet for soft than there is hard meaning higher chance of making more money from the soft than the hard. Check out your local newsagents and petrol stations and what the main company moving soft...Liquid Gold. Its strange I know, but true. The reality however is different. No one wants to pay anything for it. Answer: Do it yourself!

There will always be a market for shooting soft. Even european and US companies still want it. Soft versions do have a surpirisingly large, if not transient market.

Feed back has told me that some prefer the soft to the in your face dicks and spunk flying everwhere that is hard. Its more work but hey, what the hell...
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Re: UK Porn Industry.

Post by mk13 »

R18 will be regulated by Ofcom as prohibition equates to proscribing a dozen Euro sex channels who's livelihood depends on the UK market.

The DCMS can not proscribe material that does not breach the BBFC R18 guidelines, which many of the above channels do not!

Xplicit's reply to Ofcom's consultation to the new broadcasting code contained a view that if Xplicit were not permitted to broadcast R18 material than the Euro sex channels would have to be proscribed as this was unfair competition and breaks European law - European free trade agreement.

You can now see the conundrum Ofcom are in. Also parliament has paved the way for R18 by changing the wording to be adhered to by Ofcom, the new Broadcasting code regulatory assessment has been changed from "taste and decency" to "harm and offence".

Encryption satisfies the TWF (television without frontiers) which our Government is a signature, to meet the requirements for HC broadcasts, but Ofcom will go a few steps further and require a mandatory PIN to be entered before viewing the channel content. Also time restricted broadcast takes us well beyond the requirements of the TWF.
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Re: UK Porn Industry.

Post by woodgnome »

mk13 wrote:

> Encryption satisfies the TWF (television without frontiers)
> which our Government is a signature, to meet the requirements
> for HC broadcasts, but Ofcom will go a few steps further and
> require a mandatory PIN to be entered before viewing the
> channel content. Also time restricted broadcast takes us well
> beyond the requirements of the TWF.

sky are in the process of upgrading their stb software so that any channel can be either permanently locked, or locked from 8pm onwards, by whoever knows the pin number. i received it yesterday and it couldn't be easier to implement.
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Re: UK Porn Industry.

Post by BillBXD »

Benny Hill was cool but what a nice world it is where they show R18 on tv. Its a world with stripy skies and traffic free motorways with no speed limits but if the sky does turn stripy the UK Satellite bodz will probably be profit driven like the European operators and get the production companies to shoot stuff exclusively for them. If that?s the case then just as in Europe the only thing that will change will be what you can watch on the box.

Bill (BXD)

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