Astral Blue!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Astral Blue!

Post by Mark »

Just wondered in anybody out there had ANY info on "Astral Blue" Single Girl titles???

I have a few of their titles (about 5) and would REALLY like to get some more...but since they went belly-up they are impossible to get hold of. Consequnetly, if anybody has (or knows) where I can get any more from it would be very much appreciated.

Other info including a complete list of girls would also be appreciated.



Re: Astral Blue!

Post by joey »

Please can you list those 5 titles that you have?

Re: Astral Blue!

Post by Mark »


The main titles I have are:-

Alex, Ami, Cara, Michelle, Sylvia (+ Lisa preview), Tasmin.

All being 60 minutes each.

I also have an OLD title of Sam (80 minutes). When I say OLD I mean this were made by the same people, but were just before Astral Blue became Astral Blue as we know it today. I do have another of these, but I unfortunately can not remember her name right now!

I also have 3 titles which contain 20 minutes scenes of different girls. Two are 60 mins, while the third is 80 mins. I also have a single 20 scene of "Sarah".

Lastly I have 2 softcore previews tapes VS4 and VS10.

That's about it. Hope it helps,


Re: Astral Blue!

Post by alec »

Any chance of relating these names to girls on this site or not on this site as the case may be?

Re: Astral Blue!

Post by joey »

Hi Mark
Thanks! That's intriguing info... I only know of "Astral Blue" as the producers of the "Charlie's Private Sessions" series which have been released as 18R films - or at least my copy of Vol. 1 has "copyright 1997 Astral Blue" on the boxcover. If you do a search on for "private sessions" you will see that the director for this series alternates between Paul and Paula Markham. Now if you do a websearch ( on "Astral Blue" you will find that some pages have links titled Astral Blue that point to
who are content providers for adult webmasters. I think it may be that the 'PM' in that url is for Paul(a) Markham and that Mr/Ms Markham and Astral Blue are at least closely related (that page has contact details, BTW, but they may be old...)
Now I assume from your post that your films are not the same as these 18R certificated releases (though perhaps they are the 3 tapes you refer to with 3 girls each?)... anyhow, there might be some crossover: Charlie's Private Sessions Vol. 1 has 3 girls, Roxanne (Roxanne Hall), Ami (who as I posted here yesterday is the same as Hi Grade's Ami, see that post) and a Manchester-sounding model named "Alex" who does a scene with a silver vibrator cooled in a glass of beer on what looks like a balcony in some hotel in Spain. The Alex and Ami names are on your list above... do they sound like the same girls? There's also a Tasmin in CPS Vol 2. (who I think is Claire Margarson)
It's interesting to me to consider the fact that you apparently have full 1 hour tapes of scenes that I have enjoyed in reduced 20 minute versions..
Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to be the most informed person about uncertificated Astral Blue tapes, as I've seen no other mention of them on this board or on this site.. (or anywhere else, for that matter!) Are (were) they a well known supplier? When did they go bust? (Sorry for adding to your list of questions!)

Re: Astral Blue!

Post by joey »

Oops, not having luck with urls... here's that
search on bbfc again (hopefully..)

Re: Astral Blue!

Post by joey »

Nope, doesn't work... just search for "private sessions" in the title, from instead. Sorry for the excess postage...

Re: Astral Blue!

Post by Mark »


>do they sound like the same girls?

This is the the tape I have Titled "Single Girl Tape 1". I also have "Tape 2" in this series, but the third tape which is nearly idential (but is 80mins in duration) unfortunately has no title, but I assume it is "Tape 3"...but I can not confirm this.

The 60 minutes tapes that I have are filmed exactly the same as the others (by the same guy...Paul Markham???) but each tape has three 20 minute scenes with each girl, per tape. The earlier versions that I mentioned (Sam) are not so rigid with the scene timing as the latter version.

As for the supplier of these films, this is exactly what I am trying to ascertain, as I would love to get some more of these, but am unable to find any!!! I was kinda hoping that these post might prompt somebody to say they also had some. Considering that these tapes are now commercially unavailable I was hoping to find somebody to trade what I have, with others that I don't have. You say you have Vol. 1 of "Charlie's Private Sessions" (which is, as stated above identical to my tape), do you have any further volumes???

Unfortunately I don't have any exact info on when they went bust, only that they did (via the grape vine, so to speak). Sorry!


Re: Astral Blue!

Post by Mark »


>Any chance of relating these names to girls on this site or not
>on this site as the case may be?

Ami is (Roxanne Hall)
Tasmin is (Claire Margarson)
Alex is (Claire Graham)

Sylvia was German and will therefore not be listed here. Michelle and Cara I can not find on these pages either.

Off the top of my head I don't know the names of the girls on the 3 mixed tapes, but I'll have a look tonight and make a note of them. If I find anything I'll let you know tomorrow.


Re: Astral Blue!

Post by joey »

> You say you have Vol. 1 of "Charlie's Private Sessions"
> (which is, as stated above identical to my tape), do you
> have any further volumes???

No, but I believe all three volumes are currently available from licensed R18 suppliers - if you can find one that stocks them.
However I think it's likely you already have all or most of the contents.

Prime Time were until recently supplying them mail order via their various websites (eg ). But they have shut these pages down after being advised that they were breaking the law by supplying R18 videos by mail order (this has been the case since the introduction of R18, I think - they were supposed only to be sold via high street sex shops.) You can still see the cover for Vol3 at - also, all three volumes have entries on this site (bgafd), but they are sadly incomplete at the moment. Perhaps they will expand a bit after this thread ..

Strangely enough, which I think is to do with 'Exclusive Video' still seem to be selling R18 vids from their members site - but you have to be a member of the site to buy them... duh! (perhaps after you pay your membership you will just find out you can't buy the vids from the uk - who knows?)

As vols 2 and 3 were only recently released, there may be others on the way, I suppose...

If you're really keen, perhaps it would be worth trying to track down the Markham person and making a direct enquiry..?