My tuppennyworth

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Steven »

Sorry but I have to disagree.
I thin most here would agree that they frequent this board because they prefer British girls. Why should we care whats going on in USA? Let them do what they want and we will buy what we like. I think most here would choose to watch British porno than an american one. And think of the storm our girls make when they tour over there. The Yanks are more than happy with our girls too.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Jason »

You have your opinions and I have mine - they are different in this instance which is fine and I respect both your opinions and your right to hold such an opinion.

This was never meant as vendetta against any individual nor any named persons which is why I avoided mentioning any names while others (yourself included) did not.

I never called anyone a "has been" nor commented on the ages or looks of our current crop of models - all I said was that there are not enough new / fresh models and therefore the same models get used over and over again which, while great for you, bores the shit out of most punters.


Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by George »

Wendy said, inter alia:

"George, don't worry I've got my cocoa, slippers and zimmer frame sorted. (btw if I was 18 maybe I wouldn't be here expressing an opinion!)"

Nor me! There's room for everybody, but Jason's primary point was that we do need a flow of new talent, and I second that. I think female performers in the UK are under-paid, which is why the talent pool is not as large as it might be.

However, I look forward to John M's new faces appearing.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Lizard »

Wendy,I thought George,s comments were crass and very rude,your a fabulous girl, I know you can fight your own corner, but I know I speak for the majority on here, keep doing what you do!
you do it brilliantly.

Lizard(his biscuits are boiling)

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by George »

My point was only that the American taste for fake hair/lips/boobs/skin/personality, etc., has changed. They are now interested in more natural girls, and that is a welcome development.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by George »

There have been two big discussions going on here in the past couple of days. Both are connected with the fact that those who perform in porn are "performers", and therefore artists, like any pop star, opera singer, Shakespearian actor or whatever. They seek attention and crave approval, and whilst they may attain stardom and all the hollow trappings that entails, they also know that in choosing to mount the stage they risk occasional boos and catcalls.
It is difficult to have a discussion like this without offending somebody, inadvertently or not. I had no wish (tonight, anyway!) to offend anybody, but I think that Jason had a point in calling for new faces, and I had a point in saying that Wendy, whatever her virtues, is not a new face. I regret referring to her, and apologise for doing so.
Best wishes

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Lizard »

You should direct that to Wendy not me, but your big enough to
reply and although I dont agree with you I respect your views.
Have a good night..

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by George »

Lizard said:

"You should direct that to Wendy not me".

Already done.
jj- my two quid's worth....

......there's inflation for you

Post by jj- my two quid's worth.... »

I too missed the 'festivities', but can't see why a gentleman shouldn't be content with 'she's not my cup of tea', or the like.
Or, better still, silence.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by jj »

...and perhaps Wendy was trying to get across the point that some of us are lucky enough to have jobs that we enjoy (most of the time)....but we might not necessarily do them for free !!
Am now speculating wildly over Job No.2 (have discarded C of E curate/tower-crane operator/black pudding-maker/travelling anaesthetist...).......