TVX Shutdown.

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by gdw »

Doubt this is true since I just recieved a letter informing me of a price increase

and as for the station itself i actually dont mind it
one eyed jack
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by one eyed jack »

Hmmm...see this is the sort of thing that should be hotly debated over at if you have a serious gripe about porn and you want to be heard by the people who count then take it there but if you want to bellyache on a forum for the sake of ranting...well I guess its ok to do it here.

We all know some of you like a damn good rant. Let it out man! Its good for you!

I'm sporting enough to take a kicking. Just dont make it personal like racist death threats in my inbox. Thats just petty.
one eyed jack
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by one eyed jack »

One good reason for taking it to UKAP is that we dont spend too much threads on idle twaddle and personal digs.

Its a terrible thing when people who dont know what they are talking about have an opinion on the way it is.

What do I know!? I just work here
stevie celt
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by stevie celt »

I used to subscribe but I've given up on it after only a few months. Too many repeats and not as good as it once was.
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Jacques »

The 'rant' should be at Ofcon. I know my inbox is full of correspondance from Ed Richards and John Glover but when you are up against this kind of thing {The Extreme Truth - Men & Motors, 15 March 2006, 23:30}, it's not an easy fight.

But I'll get 'em one day. I got close once but not close enough.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
one eyed jack
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by one eyed jack »

Jacques my favourite saying to producers at the moment is: No man is an island unto himself.

Our industry is riddled with paranoia and fear like Jim has said because everyone thinks the next man is going to stab him in the back and depending on where you hear it, there are those who think we are arse kissers and sucking on each others dicks arent even making much progress either....Which is it!?

Either way we are not getting anywhere fast with all this petty bickering and pissing contests. Producers sitting on the fence berating the industry as it is right now should get the fuck off their arses and join in the fight.

UKAP is an achievement in itself that we managed to even get a bunch of producers there in the first place and I do believe we can make a difference. Nothing is perfect and we do have to start from somewhere.

I see a few producers already have lost interest because they dont see the problems in the short or long term and unless we do band together no one will ever take you seriously unless you've got bottomless pockets. People should stop slagging off David Sullivan and realise that if it werent for him (for better or worse, good or evil) R18 wouldnt be legal right now.

Why? Well apart from R18 being a compromise people like David, Greg Hurlestone and Pabo financed the initial fight that we seem to be enjoying to some degree right now.

Yeah we had an awards event last November but do you really think that was just about winning awards and a jolly good night out!? If you do then I think our campaign is lost.

The real answer to all the lack of unity is simply because those who arent interested, plain and simply dont care. What other reasons are there?

With this kind of apathy why does anyone ever bother continue? If this is the case, dont bother complain because you'll be a singular voice bleating in the dark forever running your business in an uphill struggle when you can join with others to make that change. Yes that change may be slow but it can happen and it takes a concerted effort on everyones part to make it move faster.

Increase our profile and public awareness and everything will start taking shape. New girls might decide its financially worthwhile to do porn than page 3, (Page 3 doesnt pay that much and being an FHM/ Maxim model either at that) shops may begin to observe exchanges on low unit costs are out of order and damaging the entire business...Hell we might even have more clout stemming the tide of pirates and p2p....All this stuff affects every single producer but all you get is bitter ranting within ranks when we should be taking the big battle out there instead of within ourselves.

I cant say I hold any answers to all the problems which is why it would be cool if we banded together properly and change the way things are right now.

I believe that it can be done. If you as a producer dont, what the hell are you sticking around for anyway?
stevie q
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by stevie q »

My question i asked before was....why cant both hard and softcore stand side by side on terrestrial tv?

I'm sure there is room for both, and surely that'll keep everyone happy......wouldnt it?
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by blackjaques »

I'm sure they could, stevie q but Ofcon won't allow full R18. They can't cope with the explicitness of it so they make up some regulations that the PIN protection system isn't good enough to prevent kids from watching. Utter bollox, of course but that's the UK.
stevie q
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by stevie q »

This reminds me of that scene from ' the life of brian' where John Cleese and the rest of the pythons are in their little room talking about their plan of actions, without actually putting them into practise.

As one eyed jack says, alot of ppl have opinions (some educated ones, some not so), but surely now its time for action, rather than words?

How can this be achieved, is it just by lobbying ofcom, or is there some other way of going about it?
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Shopgirl »

I feel I have to say something on this subject, as a new Producer I was very wary about different people within the industry, who to talk to, who to go to for advice etc etc. The first time I met Terry (OEJ) was at the Awards ceremony he mentioned, I was introduced to him and he was very pleasant and immediately mentioned about the meetings held with other members of UKAP and that I was most welcome to come along.

I went along last quarter to my very first meeting. I was very impressed, a couple of Producers were willing to offer advice on various aspects of the business and took time at the end of the meeting to chat with me and offer more help, this was a well run meeting and of course different subjects were spoken about and we all went away with "jobs to do" before the next meeting.

I am very much looking forward to the next meeting and feel as a team things can be done, but unless you turn up and make your point you will not be heard, I personally think that all UK Producers should make UKAP their first port of call and support a group that have got together to make things better, things do not change overnight, nor do they change because someone moans about them, they change when people get together and find different ways to combat them, a little bit military perhaps, but where there is a will, there is a way.

I for one feel very proud to be a member of UKAP and am suprised and slightly bewildered as to why not every Producer is a member.

It is a new organisation and given time I am confident UKAP will show that given a group of people that feel passionate about what they want to achieve they will move forward, so come on Producers out there come along to the next meeting, email Terry, email Jay K or even email me and find out what we are all about.

BIG NOTE TO ALL FEMALE PRODUCERS - I am the only woman there so come on a bit of girl power wouldn't go amiss!!


ps. For those of you that don't know me, I tend to talk fast and type fast, so sometimes don't make alot of sense, so hope most of you understood where I was coming from.
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