Mandela Ill. Who cares?

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Re: Mandela Ill. Who cares?

Post by frankthring »

Arginald, you excel yourself. Grumpy and bad enough that you couldn`t
give a shit about Mandela`s health - that is your right - but simply to dismiss
the man as a "terrorist" when the whole world knows the evil of South
Africa`s apartheid regime is, frankly, appalling. You are talking about a man
who has preached reconciliation when he could all so easily have advocated
terror, who has extended the hand of friendship to those who imprisoned him.
won the Nobel Peace Prize, saved South Africa from falling into terrible war
and is, lets face it, the greatest statesmen in the world today with an
unimpeachable moral record.
You also insult someone I have met personally - I literally blundered into him
in Foyles about six years ago and, surrounded as he was by security men and
diplomats, he had time to discuss books with me for a couple of precious
As for you Arginald, sip a cup of your favourite bitter lemon juice, nurse your
pet hates and pop "Zulu" on the dvd player. The world will be a poorer place
when Mandela dies. As for you Arginald - who gives a shit !