The Stephen Lawrence trial...

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number 6
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by number 6 »

He was there,he saw them running towards himself and Stephen.
number 6
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by number 6 »

Add to the fact there was video material of them gesturing with a knife and pretending to stab a black person using racist language. The parents know these two are responsible so do most people.
number 6
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by number 6 »

Add to the fact two of the gang were convicted of attacking an off duty black copper in 2002.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"As per usual, it doesnt take much to work out the disgruntled white folks on here that seem to think Stephen Lawrence is better off dead because he is black. "

Well said. The views you describe are sickening.

one eyed jack
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by one eyed jack »

I'm glad you see it for the way it is David.

Over the years I have observed that the average whit racist hates foreigners because of their skin colour. Reverse racism exists on the basis of a history of oppression. Hating the white man for his skin colour is symptomatic of that and I think it would be wise for people to understand the difference between the two.

Allow me to support this with evidence,

Throughout history, most nations have welcomed the shite man with open arms. its when intentions were made clear ie slavery, murder, colonisation etc when the natives fight back more for survival than hatred so why is it that so many white people hate people for their skin colour is something I still cant get my head around.

I can understand white people being mugged by black guys because this is exactly what I mean by hatred by oppression. Its just annoying to read on here the veiled prejudices. Its just crass and offensive.

Look past the skin colour and just deal with them as people. Black and white are capable of good and bad things in equal measure
number 6
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by number 6 »

Racists are braindead simple as that. No excuse for racism whatsoever.
one eyed jack
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Attn Davey

Post by one eyed jack »

Davey wrote:

I just wonder why the police and courts dont put this much effort into convicting black people who murder whites?

Care to share a link or two to support this statement? I seem to remember that if a black man raped, robbed or murdered a member of the white race he would be summarily lynched in the old days.

These days they just get locked up, beaten up in a police cell and sometimes murdered. Yes murdered. How else would you explain most of these deaths in police custody.

I thought arrest would mean handcuffed, processed and put in a cell but somehow these guys have multiple truncheon bruises on their body, death by choking on their own blood or vomit on their coroners report.

Use google if you have to. Take your time. No rush
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one eyed jack...

Post by max_tranmere »

I personally don't hate anyone, and I would like to deal with your point about how "the average whit racist hates foreigners because of their skin colour". I condemn racism completely, all I would say is that some people hate incomers if they see them as ungrateful and contributing nothing but negative things to the nation. This is not the case with most who come, but with some. People who have no gratitude at all, take much more than they give, demand to be showered with money, have no interest or care about the history of this country, commit crime, and so on - you will find that many citizens of this country (settled white folks, black folks, Asian folks etc) dislike people like that, and are justified in doing so in my view.

As no one has EVER seemed to know what 'racism' actually means, and with the media and many people being keen to use the term at every turn, people get slammed as a 'racist' for disliking incomers who fall into the category I've just outlined, even though as far as I'm concerned they are not being so. I think it is appalling that the post-war generation were able to introduce a term ('racism') into regular usage, no one really knew what it meant, that term have the most damning connotations to it of any term in the English language (other than 'child molester'), and this term just be freely thrown about. That was an appalling legacy of the post-war generation onto the next generation. I define 'racism' as: treating someone negatively or excluding them based solely on their colour, creed, race or religion. Therefore anyone doing that is a racist. But as in general use the term means anything, people are slammed as 'racist' for just breathing.

Also, when you put people into categories of 'black' and 'white' like you've done in your comment, I think that is an unreasonable thing to do in the way you have. There are many 'white people' who never colonised anyone and there are many 'white countries' that never had an Empire and were not involved in slavery - so to make the distinction between 'black' and 'white' like you have is wrong. It would be quite offensive to those 'white people' from those countries.

You say: 'I can understand white people being mugged by black guys because this is exactly what I mean by hatred by oppression'. I think that is out of order. Many people are left scarred for life for the sake of ?10.00, and are afraid to go out for evermore. You seem to be trivialising suffering, and attempted murder, inflicted by some young thug as being justified because the ancestors of the mugging victim may have oppressed the mugger's ancestors. What if the person being mugged has both parents from a 'white country' that never engaged in slavery, Empire building etc? The couple settled in Britain and had their kids, then their white son is knifed in Camden Town by a black guy. That is acceptable is it? You seem to be suggesting that violence is OK in some situations. It is not.

And this thing of someone disliking another person because of what one sets of ancestors did to the other, I think is crazy. If you go to Golders Green in north London (which has been the heart of the London Jewish community since they arrived in the 1930's and 40's fleeing the evils of Nazi-ism) do you think those people would have a problem with anyone from modern-day Germany because of the terrible things the Germans did to their forebares two generations ago? Of course they wouldn't, therefore why on earth would anyone from any former British colony have any issue with any modern day Brit who is 'white'? I've never understood historical grudges.

Lastly, when people talk about skin colour, could you please tell me why people who fall into the category of 'ethnic minority' seem to be the ones who see the distinctions the most? Why are there black newspapers, a black Police officers association, why is it when local authorities try and place kids with who would be described on a Government census form as 'black', they want a couple who is also 'black'? Why did Doreen Lawrence set up an architectural grant scheme for 'black' people? If she wanted to help underprivileged people, she should have been just as keen to help 'black' people as people from a poor Turkish background in London, Lithuanians who are settled here (who are deemed as living in 'poverty' by the Government) who are keen to become architects, and so on.

I have never seen people in terms of colour or anything else, but if I ever end up doing so it will because huge numbers of people who come from what the Government call 'ethnic minority communities' would have pointed out the differences so many times that I could potentially end up being converted. I sincerely hope that never happens.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Attn Davey

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

For fooks sake lads you'll be mentioning Blair Peach next.....nobody on here is condemning racism or murder of any creed, faith, political leaning or gender. The question is with the media show will justice be done. In case you forget you are innocent until PROVEN guilty in the UK.
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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Post by Ned »

They threw a paper cup at him, if I recall correctly. Hardly assault is it.